Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Facebook komentarai

Parašė Andy· 2011 Vas. 26 22:02:22

Radau porą diskusijų kaip tai pasidaryti, bet vistiek be errorų neapseita tad noriu paprašyti gal galėtute man įterpti, kad svetainėje liktu ir paprasti phpfusiono komentarai ir aukščiau facebooko. Įdedu komentarų aplikaciją kurią gavau svetainėje developers.facebook.com :

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=APP_ID&amp;xfbml=1"></script><fb:comments xid="lsv.xe.lt" numposts="10" width="470" publish_feed="true"></fb:comments>

ir comments_inlcude.php:

| <span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted black;">PHP</span>-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2008 Nick Jones
| <a href='http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'>http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/</span></a>
| Filename: comments_include.php
| Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html.' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'>www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html.</span></a> Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { die("Access Denied"); }
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."comments.php";
function showcomments($ctype, $cdb, $ccol, $cid, $clink) {
	global $settings, $locale, $userdata, $aidlink;
	if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['c_action']) && $_GET['c_action'] == "delete") && (isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']))) {
		if ((iADMIN && checkrights("C")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id='".$_GET['comment_id']."' AND comment_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
			$result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_COMMENTS." WHERE comment_id='".$_GET['comment_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND comment_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));
	if ((iMEMBER || $settings['guestposts'] == "1") && isset($_POST['post_comment'])) {
		if (iMEMBER) {
			$comment_name = $userdata['user_id'];
		} elseif ($settings['guestposts'] == "1") {
			$comment_name = trim(stripinput($_POST['comment_name']));
			$comment_name = preg_replace("(^[0-9]*)", "", $comment_name);
			if (isnum($comment_name)) { $comment_name = ""; }
		$comment_message = trim(stripinput(censorwords($_POST['comment_message'])));
		if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['c_action']) && $_GET['c_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']))) {
			$comment_updated = false;
			if ((iADMIN && checkrights("C")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id='".$_GET['comment_id']."' AND comment_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
				if ($comment_message) {
					$result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_COMMENTS." SET comment_message='$comment_message' WHERE comment_id='".$_GET['comment_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND comment_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));
					$comment_updated = true;
			if ($comment_updated) {
				$c_start = (ceil(dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_id<='".$_GET['comment_id']."' AND comment_item_id='".$cid."' AND comment_type='".$ctype."'") / 10) - 1) * 10;
			redirect($clink."&amp;rstart=".(isset($c_start) && isnum($c_start) ? $c_start : ""));
		} else {
			if (!dbcount("(".$ccol.")", $cdb, $ccol."='".$cid."'")) { redirect(BASEDIR."index.php"); }
			if ($comment_name && $comment_message) {
				require_once INCLUDES."flood_include.php";
				if (!flood_control("comment_datestamp", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_ip='".USER_IP."'")) {
					$result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_COMMENTS." (comment_item_id, comment_type, comment_name, comment_message, comment_datestamp, comment_ip) VALUES ('$cid', '$ctype', '$comment_name', '$comment_message', '".time()."', '".USER_IP."')");
			$c_start = (ceil(dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_item_id='".$cid."' AND comment_type='".$ctype."'") / 10) - 1) * 10;
	echo "<a id='comments' name='comments'></a>";
	$c_rows = dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_item_id='$cid' AND comment_type='$ctype'");
	if (!isset($_GET['c_start']) || !isnum($_GET['c_start'])) { $_GET['c_start'] = 0; }
	$result = dbquery(
		"SELECT tcm.*,user_name FROM ".DB_COMMENTS." tcm
		LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tcu ON tcm.comment_name=tcu.user_id
		WHERE comment_item_id='$cid' AND comment_type='$ctype'
		ORDER BY comment_datestamp ASC LIMIT ".$_GET['c_start'].",10"
	if (dbrows($result)) {
		$i = $_GET['c_start']+1;
		if ($c_rows > 10) {
			echo "<div style='text-align:center;margin-bottom:5px;'>".makecommentnav($_GET['c_start'], 10, $c_rows, 3, $clink."&amp;")."</div>\n";
		while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
			echo "<div class='tbl2'>\n";
			if ((iADMIN && checkrights("C")) || (iMEMBER && $data['comment_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($data['user_name']))) {
				echo "<div style='float:right' class='comment_actions'><!--comment_actions-->\n<a href='".FUSION_REQUEST."&amp;c_action=edit&amp;comment_id=".$data['comment_id']."#edit_comment'>".$locale['c108']."</a> |\n";
				echo "<a href='".FUSION_REQUEST."&amp;c_action=delete&amp;comment_id=".$data['comment_id']."'>".$locale['c109']."</a>\n</div>\n";
			echo "<a href='".FUSION_REQUEST."#c".$data['comment_id']."' id='c".$data['comment_id']."' name='c".$data['comment_id']."'>#".$i."</a> | ";
			if ($data['user_name']) {
				echo "<span class='comment-name'><a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['comment_name']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a></span>\n";
			} else {
				echo "<span class='comment-name'>".$data['comment_name']."</span>\n";
			echo "<span class='small'>".$locale['global_071'].showdate("longdate", $data['comment_datestamp'])."</span>\n";
			echo "</div>\n<div class='tbl1 comment_message'><!--comment_message-->".nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys($data['comment_message'])))."</div>\n";
		if (iADMIN && checkrights("C")) {
			echo "<div align='right' class='tbl2'><a href='".ADMIN."comments.php".$aidlink."&amp;ctype=$ctype&amp;cid=$cid'>".$locale['c106']."</a></div>\n";
		if ($c_rows > 10) {
			echo "<div style='text-align:center;margin-top:5px;'>".makecommentnav($_GET['c_start'], 10, $c_rows, 3, $clink."&amp;")."</div>\n";
	} else {
		echo $locale['c101']."\n";
	if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['c_action']) && $_GET['c_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['comment_id']) && isnum($_GET['comment_id']))) {
		$eresult = dbquery(
			"SELECT tcm.*,user_name FROM ".DB_COMMENTS." tcm
			LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tcu ON tcm.comment_name=tcu.user_id
			WHERE comment_id='".$_GET['comment_id']."' AND comment_item_id='".$cid."' AND comment_type='".$ctype."'"
		if (dbrows($eresult)) {
			$edata = dbarray($eresult);
			if ((iADMIN && checkrights("C")) || (iMEMBER && $edata['comment_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($edata['user_name']))) {
				$clink .= "&amp;c_action=edit&amp;comment_id=".$edata['comment_id'];
				$comment_message = $edata['comment_message'];
		} else {
			$comment_message = "";
	} else {
		$comment_message = "";
	if (iMEMBER || $settings['guestposts'] == "1") {
		require_once INCLUDES."bbcode_include.php";
		echo "<a id='edit_comment' name='edit_comment'></a>\n";
		echo "<form name='inputform' method='post' action='".$clink."'>\n";
		if (iGUEST) {
			echo "<div align='center' class='tbl'>\n".$locale['c104']."<br />\n";
			echo "<input type='text' name='comment_name' maxlength='30' class='textbox' style='width:360px' />\n";
			echo "</div>\n";
		echo "<div align='center' class='tbl'>\n";
		echo "<textarea name='comment_message' cols='70' rows='6' class='textbox' style='width:360px'>".$comment_message."</textarea><br />\n";
		echo display_bbcodes("360px", "comment_message")."<br />\n";
		echo "<input type='submit' name='post_comment' value='".($comment_message ? $locale['c103'] : $locale['c102'])."' class='button' />\n";
		echo "</div>\n</form>\n";
	} else {
		echo $locale['c105']."\n";
function makecommentnav($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link) {
	global $locale;
	$pg_cnt = ceil($total / $count);
	if ($pg_cnt <= 1) { return ""; }
	$idx_back = $start - $count;
	$idx_next = $start + $count;
	$cur_page = ceil(($start + 1) / $count);
	$res = $locale['global_092']." ".$cur_page.$locale['global_093'].$pg_cnt.": ";
	if ($idx_back >= 0) {
		if ($cur_page > ($range + 1)) {
			$res .= "<a href='".$link."ce4dstart=0'>1</a>...";
	$idx_fst = max($cur_page - $range, 1);
	$idx_lst = min($cur_page + $range, $pg_cnt);
	if ($range == 0) {
		$idx_fst = 1;
		$idx_lst = $pg_cnt;
	for ($i = $idx_fst; $i <= $idx_lst; $i++) {
		$offset_page = ($i - 1) * $count;
		if ($i == $cur_page) {
			$res .= "<span><strong>".$i."</strong></span>";
		} else {
			$res .= "<a href='".$link."c_start=".$offset_page."'>".$i."</a>";
	if ($idx_next < $total) {
		if ($cur_page < ($pg_cnt - $range)) {
			$res .= "...<a href='".$link."c_start=".($pg_cnt - 1) * $count."'>".$pg_cnt."</a>\n";
	return "<div class='pagenav'>\n".$res."</div>\n";

ir štai čia niekaip nepavyksta taisiklingai įdėti :/...

Parašė Žmogus· 2011 Vas. 27 12:02:35


Parašė Andy· 2011 Vas. 27 12:02:43

aplikacijos ID ten kur turi būti, tai aš kur pradžioje parašiau savo tai tinka? :?

Parašė Andy· 2011 Vas. 27 15:02:00

aplikacijos id: 186406688061139

bet viską įdiegus gaunu errora, ne iš sistemos o iš pačio facebook :

The comments plugin requires an application id to properly namespace the provided xid.

Parašė N-20· 2011 Vas. 27 15:02:46

Jeigu neklystu, tai bus šitas linkas: http://developers.facebook.com/s... ten užsireginsi ir gausi tą ID.

Parašė Ponas24· 2011 Vas. 27 16:02:33

Parasyk i skype, padarysiu ;)

Parašė Andy· 2011 Vas. 27 16:02:58

na taip as juo ir pasinaudojau, tik gal kažką suvedžiau blogai vedžiau taip:

Site name: pavadinimas
Site URL: pavadinimas.lt/

turbūt čia ir klaidą padariau? :/

Parašė sniuff· 2011 Vas. 27 16:02:27


Parašė MantasV· 2011 Vas. 27 17:02:11

Aš ir čia įsiterpsiu. Gal žinote kas kokį sprendimo būda su Facebook. O problema tokia, kad pas mane tinklapyje yra Facebook like box ir facebook komentarai. Ir komentarai neveikia jei facebook likebox įjungtas. Jie kaip suprantu pešasi tarpusavyje. O klaida būna tokia:

The comments plugin requires an application id to properly namespace the provided xid.

Gal kas žinot kaip sutvarkyti tai ar net neįmanoma sutvarkyti ?

Parašė Ponas24· 2011 Vas. 27 17:02:40

Dek iframe koda, o ne XFBML ;)