Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: HELP PLZ 2nd part

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 19:06:30

nu ok as turiu hosta kas toliau? bet ne is puslapai.lt o is www.freehostia.com jei viskas bus gerai ir ismoksiu tai pereisiu i puslapai.lt

pavadinimas airwalk.freehostia.com

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:06

Nu dbr pasitinkrink email ten yra duomenys vartotjo varda,slaptazodi ir adresa koks yra parasytas emaile reik ivesti programoiu SmartFTP ten virsuej loginai kur yra.

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:42

Ar tu tikrai toks debilas, ar man tik pasirode??? Taigi yra pilna prirasyta kaip instalint fusiona.


Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:37

Nu va Tommy gavai pilna info eik skaityk,domekis ir pirmyn.RAKINKIT TEMA.

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:38

nu ok as gavau toki laiska
Dear Tommy Tommy,

Welcome to FreeHostia. We are one of the fastest growing free hosting providers and there is an understandable reason for this. We have one of the fastest servers, a fully featured free hosting plan with no forced ads and low-cost paid hosting plans with great features. For less than a year, we won more than 200 000 users over. You will have the chance to see for yourself that we provide a bullet-proof quality service. We will be very happy if you spread the word by putting a link or a small banner on your site, which points back to FreeHostia (you will find them here: http://freehostia.com/linkus.html), or simply tell your friends and your web site visitors about us and share your opinion about FreeHostia. This way you will help us achieve our ultimate goal - to provide reliable and fast hosting with amazing 24/7 support to as many people as possible.
This email contains important data about your web hosting account for airwalk.freehostia.com.
Access the Control Panel here: http://cp.freehostia.com/members/

Login: tomtom21
Your website will be accessible here: http://airwalk.freehostia.com

EMAIL information:
To create emails please login to the Control Panel and click 'E-mail Manager'.

POP3 server: tomtom21.freehostia.com
SMTP server: If use the FREE hosting plan, than you can't use our SMTP server. If you use any of the paid plans - the SMTP server is tomtom21.freehostia.com

IMPORTANT - the SMTP server requires login and password. In Outlook select 'My server requires authentication'. In other email clients this option has a different name.
FTP information:
FTP Host: airwalk.freehostia.com
Login: tomtom21
To use the Front Page extensions select 'Front Page extensions' from the Control Panel and manage the extensions.

Please take the time to read the beginner's guide in our support forum if you are using our services for the first time: http://forum.freehostia.com/view....php?t=240

If you have any questions please login to the Control Panel and open a ticket from the Help Center. Our 24/7 support will answer you shortly.

Best Regards
Free Hostia Team

tai tipo i smartftp man vesti duomesin
FTP information:
FTP Host: airwalk.freehostia.com
Login: tomtom21

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:19


Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:01

mXt parašė:
Ar tu tikrai toks debilas, ar man tik pasirode??? Taigi yra pilna prirasyta kaip instalint fusiona.


jo as debilas :D ant php-fusion

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:28

neeeee. eini is pradziu i savo control panell hoste, ten sukuri mysql duombaze.

Access the Control Panel here: http://cp.freehostia.com/members/

Login: tomtom21

Tada parsisiunti php-fusion ir sumeti viska i serva

FTP information:
FTP Host: airwalk.freehostia.com
Login: tomtom21

Tada instalini fusiona ir vuolia, tu jau genijus, nes sukurei saita :D:D

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:48

Gerai gerai nereik cea tu prisipazinimu ir komentaru eik kurk.rakinkit tema.

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:41

Tommy, sukursi trecia tokia tema forume, gausi automatini BAN :D

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:12

o desertui ban`ana :D:D

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:09

mXt parašė:
Tommy, sukursi trecia tokia tema forume, gausi automatini BAN :D

as turiu dinamic Ip :p

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:35

Blin rakinkit tema girias cia :D

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:53

kanativas parašė:
o desertui ban`ana :D:D
nu turbut irgi :(

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:47

neina raso kad
[10:06:32] SmartFTP v2.5.1006.4
[10:06:32] Resolving host name "airwalk.freehostia.com"
[10:06:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:06:53] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[10:06:53] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[10:06:53] Client closed the connection.
[10:06:53] Active Help: http://www.smartftp.com/support/...dex.php/58
[10:07:23] Continue to login attempt 2...
[10:07:23] Resolving host name "airwalk.freehostia.com"
[10:07:23] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:07:24] Connected to airwalk.freehostia.com.
[10:07:24] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [hex15.freehostia.com]
[10:07:24] USER tomtom21
[10:07:24] 331 Password required for tomtom21.
[10:07:24] PASS (hidden)
[10:07:24] 530 Login incorrect.
[10:07:24] Active Help: http://www.smartftp.com/support/...dex.php/51
[10:07:24] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[10:07:54] Continue to login attempt 3...
[10:07:54] QUIT
[10:07:55] 221 Goodbye.
[10:07:55] Server closed connection
[10:07:55] Resolving host name "airwalk.freehostia.com"
[10:07:55] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:07:55] Connected to airwalk.freehostia.com.
[10:07:55] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [hex15.freehostia.com]
[10:07:55] USER tomtom21
[10:07:55] 331 Password required for tomtom21.
[10:07:55] PASS (hidden)
[10:07:56] 530 Login incorrect.
[10:07:56] Active Help: http://www.smartftp.com/support/...dex.php/51
[10:07:56] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[10:08:26] Continue to login attempt 4...
[10:08:26] QUIT
[10:08:26] 221 Goodbye.
[10:08:26] Server closed connection
[10:08:26] Resolving host name "airwalk.freehostia.com"
[10:08:26] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:08:26] Connected to airwalk.freehostia.com.
[10:08:26] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [hex15.freehostia.com]
[10:08:26] USER tomtom21
[10:08:26] 331 Password required for tomtom21.
[10:08:26] PASS (hidden)
[10:08:26] 530 Login incorrect.
[10:08:27] Active Help: http://www.smartftp.com/support/...dex.php/51
[10:08:27] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[10:08:57] Continue to login attempt 5...
[10:08:57] QUIT
[10:08:57] 221 Goodbye.
[10:08:57] Server closed connection
[10:08:57] Resolving host name "airwalk.freehostia.com"
[10:08:57] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:08:57] Connected to airwalk.freehostia.com.
[10:08:57] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (ProFTPD) [hex15.freehostia.com]
[10:08:57] USER tomtom21
[10:08:57] 331 Password required for tomtom21.
[10:08:57] PASS (hidden)
[10:08:58] 530 Login incorrect.
[10:08:58] Active Help: http://www.smartftp.com/support/...dex.php/51
[10:08:58] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:52

Tommy parašė:
mXt parašė:
Tommy, sukursi trecia tokia tema forume, gausi automatini BAN :D

as turiu dinamic Ip :p

Pasigyrei. O as turiu smirdancias kojines. Galvoji cia kam nors baisus tas tavo dinaminis IP? :D

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:52

banana in the ass vo visx.Locked

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:04

Rakinkit tema. Arba isviso trinkit lauk....

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:04

neina prisijungt :(

Parašė mXt· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:24

Tommy parašė:
neina prisijungt :(

Tai pisk laukais... Ka tu i tai?

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:11

jai neina kaska blogai ivedei,gal adresa? pabandyk visus kokie ten parasyti emaile

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:10


Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:36

YEY prisijungiau

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:41

tu dar sakei kaskokio Mysql reik ? nes kai prisijungiu per ftpsmart saite kolkas nieko nera

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:13

Nu va dbr skaityk ta texta kur tau nukopinau pirmoje temoje.

Parašė MAnjack· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:00

Tau labai daug aiškinimo reikia, geriau paskaityk DUK gal ką suprasi

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:39

nu ok suchombinau ant 777

Parašė MAnjack· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:15

tu nerašyk ką padarei, o toliau daryk skaitydamas DUK

Parašė kanativas· 2007 Bir. 13 20:06:04

MAnjack as jam nukopinau visa instalinimo faila tegu naudoja.

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 15 21:06:36

nu ok biski susimasiau setup.php :D ka reik irasyt laukelyje "Table Prefix"? ten jau yra pradeta fusion_

Parašė Demonas· 2007 Bir. 15 22:06:16


Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 15 22:06:54

Demonas parašė:

aciu radau kas tai yra bet kai suvedu visus duomenis gaunu erros "Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2002 : Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 16 12:06:36

Tommy parašė:

aciu radau kas tai yra bet kai suvedu visus duomenis gaunu erros "Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2002 : Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"
nu tai ka tas error leidze nes man vis dar neina baikti setupo?

Parašė Tommy· 2007 Bir. 16 14:06:05

Tommy parašė:
Tommy parašė:

aciu radau kas tai yra bet kai suvedu visus duomenis gaunu erros "Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2002 : Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"
nu tai ka tas error leidze nes man vis dar neina baikti setupo?
nu man vistiek error ir error plz padekit kai as nueinu i setupa man tereik uzpildyt 2 vietas "database name" ir "table prefix" as jas uzpildaut ir man vistiek error ir error :( :( :(

"Unable to establish connection to MySQL
2002 : Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"