Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Ka pakeicia Upgrade from v6.00.1xx, v6.00.2xx or v6.00.3xx ?

Parašė ACxDC· 2008 Bal. 21 15:04:53

Ka jie pakeicia? kokia is ju nauda? sorry nezinau :)

Parašė MAnjack· 2008 Bal. 21 15:04:17

Išsiversk ką reiškia Upgrade from ir sužinosi

Parašė ACxDC· 2008 Bal. 21 18:04:55

upgrade [ў™p'greіd]
WordNet 1.6 Copyright © 1997 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
- the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises
- an upward slope or grade (as in a road); 'the car couldn't make the grade'
- to improve, esp. something that was old or outdated; 'I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software.' 'The company upgraded their personnel'
- rate higher; raise in value or esteem
- give a promotion to; 'raise in rank'; assign to a higher position
I dkt.
1) pagerinimas
2) pagerëjimas
II vksm.
1) pagerinti; patobulinti (aparatà, maðinà ir pan.)
2) paaukðtinti (tarnyboje); pakelti (tarnyboje)
1) (Field - General) informatika iðplëtimas; atnaujinimas
on the upgrade- 1) gerëjantis; 2) progresuojantis; 3) kylantis

Parašė MAnjack· 2008 Bal. 21 18:04:12

Kam čia nukopijavai? :D

Parašė ACxDC· 2008 Bal. 21 19:04:31

as parasiau vertima :) tai tipo istaiso klaidas?

Parašė mXt· 2008 Bal. 21 19:04:45

Nee, baik tu. Naudok v6.00.307 versija Fusiono, ji yra geriausia :)

Parašė DuRaCeLL· 2008 Bal. 21 19:04:50

:] ACxDC tavo PHP-Fusion versija naujausia. :]