Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Iš kur gauti tokį patį ?

Parašė ChecK· 2008 Rugp. 30 13:08:37

Kita probemėle : read me.txt faile parašyta :
Installation: Stand Alone version

Use PhpMyAdmin ( or some other tool ) to import the included: lgsl_install_sa.sql

Edit the lgsl_config.php and put in your MySQL details.

Edit the lgsl_config.php and change the admin password.

Upload the lgsl folder to your site.

To configure: navigate to the admin.php and enter config username and password.

To add zone:

$lgsl_zone_number = 1;
$output = "";
require "lgsl/lgsl_files/lgsl_zone.php";
echo $output;

The above describes adding a zone to a .PHP page, where the <?php ?> tags are currently open.

Bet kur tą slaptažodį pakeisti ? Nėra parašyta kur ? ir
kur mesti šita : $lgsl_zone_number = 1;
$output = "";
require "lgsl/lgsl_files/lgsl_zone.php";
echo $output;