Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: man reik ziaurei pagalbos

Parašė weberiz· 2008 Geg. 7 13:05:21

suradau freehostia info
kas is cia reikalinga?
Operation System : Debian GNU/Linux
Perl Modules : Click to View (NOTE: this page is over 450 KB)
Perl Version : v5.8.4 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
Perl Path : /usr/bin/perl
Sendmail Path : /usr/sbin/sendmail
MySQL Version : 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7-log
PHP Version :
PHP Info : Click to View
Physical IP Address :
Default Route / Outgoing Requests IP :
MySQL Host/Server : mysql4.freehostia.com
MySQL Port : 3306
POP3/IMAP (incoming mail server) : mbox.freehostia.com
POP3 Port : 110
IMAP Port : 143
SMTP (outgoing mail server) : mbox.freehostia.com
SMTP Port : 25

tai ko cia reik ir kaip man padaryt kad veiktu viskas??? ?| ?| ?|

Redagavo Enzo· 2008 Geg. 7 17:05:36