Parašė sufer· 2007 Bir. 27 17:06:15
[MySQL server has gone away]
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = 'page' AND post_status = 'publish') ORDER BY menu_order, post_title ASC
[MySQL server has gone away]
SELECT * FROM wp_categories WHERE cat_ID > 0 AND category_count > 0 ORDER BY cat_name asc
[MySQL server has gone away]
SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(post_date) AS `year`, MONTH(post_date) AS `month`, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC
Redagavo sufer· 2007 Bir. 27 17:06:29