Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Neina siustis is daug kur

Parašė newlifeboy· 2008 Rugp. 6 13:08:28

Sveiki gal kas galit padet man kaz kodel nejna siustis is rapidshare ir kitu kur reikia laukti kuri laika puslapiu va pvz ir rapidshare meta toki kai pralaukiu laika ir spaudziu download: You want to download the following file:

http://rapidshare.com/files/1341...ysonic.rar | 53179 KB

The download session has expired. Please click here to start the download again.

Possible reasons:

* The download takes to long to be saved.
* For this download, in the background your Internet Service Provider has assigned a new IP address. If you are for example an AOL customer, or use a similar Service Provider, please try to use a different browser.

If this problem persists to exist, you may want to purchase a Premium Account. As Premium users are not checked against their IP address, this problem will not occur. Or your internet connection is too slow to download the complete file within the session time.

Gal kas paaiskinsit ir padesit kas cia yra is anksto dekui :)