Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Nu anglistai padėkit(10kl)

Parašė t0mas· 2010 Geg. 20 21:05:09

5 If you had told me the truth I would have helped (help) you.
6 If old Mrs White heard a strange noise she would call (call) the police.
7 If I had had (have) good luck I would have won the first prize.
8 If I were (be) you I would throw away all this old junk.
10 If mother makes (make) apple pie I’ll give you a piece.
12 If we missed the train we would take (take) a taxi.
15 We would play (play) tennis if it stopped raining.

Redagavo t0mas· 2010 Geg. 20 22:05:49