Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Pagalbos su panele

Parašė kael· 2010 Geg. 20 23:05:09

// piece together the flash code
function wp_cumulus_createflashcode( $widget=false, $atts=NULL ){
// get the options
if( $widget == true ){
$options = get_option('wpcumulus_widget');
$soname = "widget_so";
$divname = "wpcumuluswidgetcontent";
// get compatibility mode variable from the main options
$mainoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_options');
$options['compmode'] = $mainoptions['compmode'];
$options['showwptags'] = $mainoptions['showwptags'];
} else if( $atts != NULL ){
$options = shortcode_atts( get_option('wpcumulus_options'), $atts );
$soname = "shortcode_so";
$divname = "wpcumuluscontent";
} else {
$options = get_option('wpcumulus_options');
$soname = "so";
$divname = "wpcumuluscontent";
// get the tag cloud...
if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){
wp_tag_cloud( $options['args'] );
$tagcloud = urlencode( str_replace( " ", " ", ob_get_clean() ) );

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