Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: tie kas moka gerai anglu :D

Parašė MAnjack· 2009 Sau. 11 12:01:36

Pasitaisysi: D

People are pikti when someone sunervuoja work, school, anywhere. Yet they are pikti some luck, or do something to overcome.
I'm angry when someone get me luck, or something to overcome. Frequently, I būnupiktas school, among friends, but they try to not recognized. Conflict often starts in one of any of the friends, then get involved in it, and more bendraklasių. Frequently pyksti some luck overpersuade friends or when everything goes the dog on the tail. Pyksti only for the session, and tomorrow everything can start again. Are guilty of at least those who participate in this situation.
When the situation sužinai what is right, then all pykčiai pass and not in any conflict.