Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: downloads + Lightbox

Parašė zaiboras· 2011 Vas. 9 18:02:29

   Lightbox JS: Fullsize Image Overlays
   by Lokesh Dhakar - http://www.huddletogether.com

   For more information on this script, visit:

   Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License - http://creativecommons.org/licen...
   (basically, do anything you want, just leave my name and link)
   Table of Contents
   - getPageScroll()
   - getPageSize()
   - pause()
   - getKey()
   - listenKey()
   - showLightbox()
   - hideLightbox()
   - initLightbox()
   - addLoadEvent()
   Function Calls
   - addLoadEvent(initLightbox)


// Configuration

// If you would like to use a custom loading image or close button reference them in the next two lines.
var loadingImage = 'loading.gif';      
var closeButton = 'close.gif';      

// getPageScroll()
// Returns array with x,y page scroll values.
// Core code from - quirksmode.org
function getPageScroll(){

   var yScroll;

   if (self.pageYOffset) {
      yScroll = self.pageYOffset;
   } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){    // Explorer 6 Strict
      yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
   } else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers
      yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;

   arrayPageScroll = new Array('',yScroll)
   return arrayPageScroll;

// getPageSize()
// Returns array with page width, height and window width, height
// Core code from - quirksmode.org
// Edit for Firefox by pHaez
function getPageSize(){
   var xScroll, yScroll;
   if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {   
      xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
      yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;
   } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac
      xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
      yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;
   } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari
      xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;
      yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;
   var windowWidth, windowHeight;
   if (self.innerHeight) {   // all except Explorer
      windowWidth = self.innerWidth;
      windowHeight = self.innerHeight;
   } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
      windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
      windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
   } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers
      windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
      windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
   // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport
   if(yScroll < windowHeight){
      pageHeight = windowHeight;
   } else {
      pageHeight = yScroll;

   // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport
   if(xScroll < windowWidth){   
      pageWidth = windowWidth;
   } else {
      pageWidth = xScroll;

   arrayPageSize = new Array(pageWidth,pageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight)
   return arrayPageSize;

// pause(numberMillis)
// Pauses code execution for specified time. Uses busy code, not good.
// Code from http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_b...l/aid/1602
function pause(numberMillis) {
   var now = new Date();
   var exitTime = now.getTime() + numberMillis;
   while (true) {
      now = new Date();
      if (now.getTime() > exitTime)

// getKey(key)
// Gets keycode. If 'x' is pressed then it hides the lightbox.

function getKey(e){
   if (e == null) { // ie
      keycode = event.keyCode;
   } else { // mozilla
      keycode = e.which;
   key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
   if(key == 'x'){ hideLightbox(); }

// listenKey()
function listenKey () {   document.onkeypress = getKey; }

// showLightbox()
// Preloads images. Pleaces new image in lightbox then centers and displays.
function showLightbox(objLink)
   // prep objects
   var objOverlay = document.getElementById('overlay');
   var objLightbox = document.getElementById('lightbox');
   var objCaption = document.getElementById('lightboxCaption');
   var objImage = document.getElementById('lightboxImage');
   var objLoadingImage = document.getElementById('loadingImage');
   var objLightboxDetails = document.getElementById('lightboxDetails');

   var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
   var arrayPageScroll = getPageScroll();

   // center loadingImage if it exists
   if (objLoadingImage) {
      objLoadingImage.style.top = (arrayPageScroll[1] + ((arrayPageSize[3] - 35 - objLoadingImage.height) / 2) + 'px');
      objLoadingImage.style.left = (((arrayPageSize[0] - 20 - objLoadingImage.width) / 2) + 'px');
      objLoadingImage.style.display = 'block';

   // set height of Overlay to take up whole page and show
   objOverlay.style.height = (arrayPageSize[1] + 'px');
   objOverlay.style.display = 'block';

   // preload image
   imgPreload = new Image();

      objImage.src = objLink.href;

      // center lightbox and make sure that the top and left values are not negative
      // and the image placed outside the viewport
      var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + ((arrayPageSize[3] - 35 - imgPreload.height) / 2);
      var lightboxLeft = ((arrayPageSize[0] - 20 - imgPreload.width) / 2);
      objLightbox.style.top = (lightboxTop < 0) ? "0px" : lightboxTop + "px";
      objLightbox.style.left = (lightboxLeft < 0) ? "0px" : lightboxLeft + "px";

      objLightboxDetails.style.width = imgPreload.width + 'px';
         objCaption.style.display = 'block';
         //objCaption.style.width = imgPreload.width + 'px';
         objCaption.innerHTML = objLink.getAttribute('title');
      } else {
         objCaption.style.display = 'none';
      // A small pause between the image loading and displaying is required with IE,
      // this prevents the previous image displaying for a short burst causing flicker.
      if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1){

      if (objLoadingImage) {   objLoadingImage.style.display = 'none'; }

      // Hide select boxes as they will 'peek' through the image in IE
      selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
        for (i = 0; i != selects.length; i++) {
                selects[i].style.visibility = "hidden";

      objLightbox.style.display = 'block';

      // After image is loaded, update the overlay height as the new image might have
      // increased the overall page height.
      arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
      objOverlay.style.height = (arrayPageSize[1] + 'px');
      // Check for 'x' keypress

      return false;

   imgPreload.src = objLink.href;

// hideLightbox()
function hideLightbox()
   // get objects
   objOverlay = document.getElementById('overlay');
   objLightbox = document.getElementById('lightbox');

   // hide lightbox and overlay
   objOverlay.style.display = 'none';
   objLightbox.style.display = 'none';

   // make select boxes visible
   selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
    for (i = 0; i != selects.length; i++) {
      selects[i].style.visibility = "visible";

   // disable keypress listener
   document.onkeypress = '';

// initLightbox()
// Function runs on window load, going through link tags looking for rel="lightbox".
// These links receive onclick events that enable the lightbox display for their targets.
// The function also inserts html markup at the top of the page which will be used as a
// container for the overlay pattern and the inline image.
function initLightbox()
   if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; }
   var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

   // loop through all anchor tags
   for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){
      var anchor = anchors[i];

      if (anchor.getAttribute("href") && (anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "lightbox")){
         anchor.onclick = function () {showLightbox(this); return false;}

   // the rest of this code inserts html at the top of the page that looks like this:
   // <div id="overlay">
   //      <a href="#" onclick="hideLightbox(); return false;"><img id="loadingImage" /></a>
   //   </div>
   // <div id="lightbox">
   //      <a href="#" onclick="hideLightbox(); return false;" title="Click anywhere to close image">
   //         <img id="closeButton" />      
   //         <img id="lightboxImage" />
   //      </a>
   //      <div id="lightboxDetails">
   //         <div id="lightboxCaption"></div>
   //         <div id="keyboardMsg"></div>
   //      </div>
   // </div>
   var objBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
   // create overlay div and hardcode some functional styles (aesthetic styles are in CSS file)
   var objOverlay = document.createElement("div");
   objOverlay.onclick = function () {hideLightbox(); return false;}
   objOverlay.style.display = 'none';
   objOverlay.style.position = 'absolute';
   objOverlay.style.top = '0';
   objOverlay.style.left = '0';
   objOverlay.style.zIndex = '90';
    objOverlay.style.width = '100%';
   objBody.insertBefore(objOverlay, objBody.firstChild);
   var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
   var arrayPageScroll = getPageScroll();

   // preload and create loader image
   var imgPreloader = new Image();
   // if loader image found, create link to hide lightbox and create loadingimage

      var objLoadingImageLink = document.createElement("a");
      objLoadingImageLink.onclick = function () {hideLightbox(); return false;}
      var objLoadingImage = document.createElement("img");
      objLoadingImage.src = loadingImage;
      objLoadingImage.style.position = 'absolute';
      objLoadingImage.style.zIndex = '150';

      imgPreloader.onload=function(){};   //   clear onLoad, as IE will flip out w/animated gifs

      return false;

   imgPreloader.src = loadingImage;

   // create lightbox div, same note about styles as above
   var objLightbox = document.createElement("div");
   objLightbox.style.display = 'none';
   objLightbox.style.position = 'absolute';
   objLightbox.style.zIndex = '100';   
   objBody.insertBefore(objLightbox, objOverlay.nextSibling);
   // create link
   var objLink = document.createElement("a");
   objLink.setAttribute('title','Click to close');
   objLink.onclick = function () {hideLightbox(); return false;}

   // preload and create close button image
   var imgPreloadCloseButton = new Image();

   // if close button image found,

      var objCloseButton = document.createElement("img");
      objCloseButton.src = closeButton;
      objCloseButton.style.position = 'absolute';
      objCloseButton.style.zIndex = '200';

      return false;

   imgPreloadCloseButton.src = closeButton;

   // create image
   var objImage = document.createElement("img");
   // create details div, a container for the caption and keyboard message
   var objLightboxDetails = document.createElement("div");

   // create caption
   var objCaption = document.createElement("div");
   objCaption.style.display = 'none';

   // create keyboard message
   var objKeyboardMsg = document.createElement("div");
   objKeyboardMsg.innerHTML = 'press <a href="#" onclick="hideLightbox(); return false;"><kbd>x</kbd></a> to close';


// addLoadEvent()
// Adds event to window.onload without overwriting currently assigned onload functions.
// Function found at Simon Willison's weblog - http://simon.incutio.com/
function addLoadEvent(func)
   var oldonload = window.onload;
   if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){
       window.onload = func;
   } else {
      window.onload = function(){


addLoadEvent(initLightbox);   // run initLightbox onLoad

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."downloads.php";

if (isset($download_id) && !isNum($download_id)) fallback("index.php");

if (isset($download_id)) {
   $res = 0;
   if ($data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT download_url,download_cat FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_id='$download_id'"))) {
      $cdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='".$data['download_cat']."'"));
      if (checkgroup($cdata['download_cat_access'])) {
         $res = 1;
         $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."downloads SET download_count=download_count+1 WHERE download_id='$download_id'");
   if ($res == 0) redirect("downloads.php");

if($_GET['d_id'] && !isNum($d_id)){
if (isset($d_id)) {
include INCLUDES."ratings_include.php";
include INCLUDES."comments_include.php";
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_id='$d_id'");
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
               $id = $data['download_cat'];
               if ($data['download_datestamp']+604800 > time()+($settings['timeoffset']*3600)) {
                  $new = " <span class='small'>".$locale['410']."</span>";
               } else {
                  $new = "";
               $time = $data['download_datestamp'];
               $laikas = showdate( "%d.%m.%y", $time);
               $kat = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT download_cat_name FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='$id'"), 0);
               echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border'>\n";
               echo "<tr>
<td colspan='5' class='forum-caption'>  <div id='gallery'>
               <table style='border-collapse: collapse;' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>

               <td>&nbsp;<a href='".FUSION_SELF."' class='small' title='Siuntiniai'><b>Siuntiniai</b></a>&nbsp;>>&nbsp;<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat']."' class='small' title='Siuntinio Kategorija'><b>$kat</b></a>&nbsp;>&nbsp;<a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat']."&amp;download_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='Atsisiøsti Siuntin&#225;'><b>".$data['download_title']."</b></a> </td>
               <td align='right'><span class='small2'><b>Prid&#235;tas:</b> $laikas</span></td>
               if ($data['download_description'] != "") echo "<tr>\n
               <td colspan='5' class='tbl1'>".nl2br(stripslashes($data['download_description']))."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               echo "<tr>\n
               <td rowspan='2' class='tbl1' align='center' valign='middle' width='1%'><a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat']."&amp;download_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='Atsisiøsti Fail&#224;' style='font-weight: bold;'><img src='".IMAGES."download.png' alt='Atsisiøsti Fail&#224;' border='0'></a></td>
               <td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['413']."</b> ".$data['download_version']."</td>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><b>".$locale['411']."</b> ".$data['download_license']."</td>\n";
               $kom = dbquery("SELECT count(comment_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."comments WHERE comment_type='D' AND comment_item_id='$id'");
               $kon = dbresult($kom, 0);
               if ($kon == 0) { $komentarai = 0; } else { $komentarai = $kon; }
               echo "<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><b>Komentarai:</b> $komentarai</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['412']."</b> ".$data['download_os']." </td>\n";
               echo "<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><b>".$locale['415']."</b> ".$data['download_count']."</td>\n<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><b>Dydis:</b> ".($data['download_filesize'] ? "".$data['download_filesize']."" : "N&#235;ra")."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               echo "</table>\n";
               if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<div align='center'><img src='".THEME."images/blank.gif' alt='' height='15' width='1'></div>\n"; $i++; }


} else {

if (!isset($cat_id)) {
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE ".groupaccess('download_cat_access')." ORDER BY download_cat_name");
   $rows = dbrows($result);
   if ($rows != 0) {
      $counter = 0; $columns = 2;
      echo "<center><img src='".IMAGES."downloads.png' alt='' border='0'></center>";
      echo "<table class='tbl-border' style='margin-top: 10px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' align='center'>";
      echo "<tr>
<td class='tbl1' colspan='2' align='center'>
<form name='searchform' method='post' action='search.php' style='display: inline;'>
      <b>Ie&#240;koti Siuntiniø:</b>&nbsp; <input name='stext' class='textbox' style='width: 200px;' type='text'>
      <input name='stype' value='d' type='hidden'><input name='search' value='Ie&#240;koti!' class='button' type='submit'>
      while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
         $num = dbcount("(download_cat)", "downloads", "download_cat='".$data['download_cat_id']."'");
         echo "<tr>
<td class='tbl1' width='1%'><a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat_id']."' style='font-weight: bold;'><img src='images/dl_cats/".$data['download_cat_image']."' alt='".$data['download_cat_name']."' border='0'>
         <td class='tbl2' align='left' valign='center'><img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt='' border='0'>
         <a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat_id']."' style='font-weight: bold;'>".$data['download_cat_name']."</a> <span class='small2'>($num)</span><br>
         <span class='small'>".$data['download_cat_description']."</span></td>
      echo "<table class='tbl-border' style='margin-top: 10px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>
   <td class='forum-caption' colspan='2' width='1%'>Statistika</td>

   <td class='tbl1' align='center' width='1%'><img src='images/dl_stats.png' alt='Siuntiniø statistika' border='0'></td>
   <td class='tbl2'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'>";

$dataq = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads ORDER BY download_id DESC LIMIT 0,1"));
echo "<tr><td>Naujausias siuntinys: </td>
<td> <a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?d_id=".$dataq['download_id']."' title=''>".$dataq['download_title']."</a></td>

$datax = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads ORDER BY download_count DESC LIMIT 0,1"));
echo "<tr><td>Populiariausias: </td>
<td> <a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?d_id=".$datax['download_id']."' title=''>".$datax['download_title']."</a></td>

$cats = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT count(download_cat_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats"), 0);
echo "<tr><td>Kategorijø: </td>
<td class='small2'> $cats</td></tr>";

$countd = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT count(download_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads"), 0);
echo "<tr>
   <td>Siuntiniø: </td>
<td class='small2'> $countd</td>

$counth = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT SUM(download_count) FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads"), 0);
echo "<tr><td>Atsisiøsta: </td>
<td class='small2'> $counth</td></tr>";

echo "</table>
      $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads ORDER BY download_id DESC LIMIT 0,20");
if (dbrows($result)) {

echo "<table class='tbl-border' style='margin-top: 10px;' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>
      <td class='forum-caption' style='white-space: nowrap;'>Naujausi siuntiniai</td>
      <td class='forum-caption' style='white-space: nowrap;' align='center' width='1%'>Data</td>

      <td class='forum-caption' style='white-space: nowrap;' align='center' width='1%'>Siuntimai</td>
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$time = $data['download_datestamp'];
$laikas = showdate( "%d.%m.%y", $time);
echo "<tr>
         <td class='tbl1'><img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt='' border='0'> <a class='small' href='downloads.php?d_id=".$data['download_id']."'>".$data['download_title']."</a></td>

         <td class='tbl1' align='center'>$laikas</td>

         <td class='tbl1' align='center'>".$data['download_count']."</td>

echo "</table>";

   } else {
      echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['430']."<br><br>\n</center>\n";
} else {
   $res = 0;
   if (!isNum($cat_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='$cat_id'");
   if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
      $cdata = dbarray($result);
      if (checkgroup($cdata['download_cat_access'])) {
         $res = 1;
         opentable($locale['400'].": ".$cdata['download_cat_name']);
         $rows = dbcount("(*)", "downloads", "download_cat='$cat_id'");
         if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) $rowstart = 0;
         if ($rows != 0) {
            $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_cat='$cat_id' ORDER BY ".$cdata['download_cat_sorting']." LIMIT $rowstart,15");
            $catdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='$cat_id'"));
            $count = dbresult(dbquery("SELECT count(download_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_cat='$cat_id'"), 0);
            echo "
            <table class='tbl-border' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>
         <td class='tbl2' style='white-space: nowrap;' align='center' valign='middle' width='1%'><a class='small' href='downloads.php?cat_id=$cat_id' title='".$catdata['download_cat_name']."'><img src='images/dl_cats/".$catdata['download_cat_image']."' alt='".$catdata['download_cat_name']."' border='0'>
         <td class='tbl1' valign='top'><span><a class='small' href='downloads.php'>Siuntiniai</a> » ".$catdata['download_cat_name']."</span><br>
         ".$catdata['download_cat_description']."<br><br>Siuntimø kategorijoje: <span class='small2'>$count</span></td>


<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tbody><tr>
<td height='8'>
            $numrows = dbrows($result); $i = 1;
            while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
            $id = $data['download_id'];
               if ($data['download_datestamp']+604800 > time()+($settings['timeoffset']*3600)) {
                  $new = " <span class='small'>".$locale['410']."</span>";
               } else {
                  $new = "";
               $time = $data['download_datestamp'];
               $laikas = showdate( "%d.%m.%y", $time);
               echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border'>\n";
               echo "<tr>
<td colspan='5' class='forum-caption'>
               <table style='border-collapse: collapse;' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
               <td width='1%'><a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?d_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='&#222;i&#251;r&#235;ti fail&#224;' style='font-weight: bold;'><img src='".IMAGES."down.png' alt='&#222;i&#251;r&#235;ti fail&#224;' border='0'></a></td>

               <td>&nbsp;<a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?d_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='&#222;i&#251;r&#235;ti fail&#224;' style='font-weight: bold;'><b>".$data['download_title']."</b></a> </td>
               <td align='right'><span class='small2'><b>Prid&#235;tas:</b> $laikas</span></td>
               if ($data['download_description'] != "") echo "<tr>\n
               <td colspan='5' class='tbl1'>".nl2br(stripslashes($data['download_description']))."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               echo "<tr>\n
               <td rowspan='2' class='tbl1' align='center' valign='middle' width='1%'><a class='small' href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=$cat_id&amp;download_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='Atsisiøsti Fail&#224;' style='font-weight: bold;'><img src='".IMAGES."download.png' alt='Atsisiøsti Fail&#224;' border='0'></a></td>
               <td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['413']."</b> ".$data['download_version']."</td>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><b>".$locale['411']."</b> ".$data['download_license']."</td>\n";
               $kom = dbquery("SELECT count(comment_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."comments WHERE comment_type='D' AND comment_item_id='$id'");
               $kon = dbresult($kom, 0);
               if ($kon == 0) { $komentarai = 0; } else { $komentarai = $kon; }
               echo "<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><b>Komentarai:</b> $komentarai</td>
               <td class='tbl1' rowspan='2' colspan='1' align='right' valign='bottom' width='1%'>
               <a href='".FUSION_SELF."?d_id=".$data['download_id']."' title='Ziureti Faila Placiau, Komentuoti.'><img src='images/comments.png' alt='Ziureti Faila Placiau' border='0'></a><br>
               </td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['412']."</b> ".$data['download_os']." </td>\n";
               echo "<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><b>".$locale['415']."</b> ".$data['download_count']."</td>\n<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><b>Dydis:</b> ".($data['download_filesize'] ? "".$data['download_filesize']."" : "N&#235;ra")."</td>\n</tr>\n";
               echo "</div></table>\n";
               if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<div align='center'><img src='".THEME."images/blank.gif' alt='' height='15' width='1'></div>\n"; $i++; }
            if ($rows > 15) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,15,$rows,3,FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=$cat_id&amp;")."\n</div>\n";
         } else {
            echo $locale['431']."\n";
   if ($res == 0) redirect(FUSION_SELF);
require_once "side_right.php";
require_once "footer.php";