Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: reklama kaip sičia

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:02

sveiki gal kas galit duot panele kaip šičia yra reklamos tik man reiktu kad viena reklama keistusi ? bet man reik paneles nes dedu į themą :)

Parašė Reamis· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:49


Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:43

neradau ten paneles :|

Parašė tock· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:58

tai geriau paieskok :[

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:29

ieskojau neradau nu jus suraskit ten

Parašė tock· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:14

tai kad jis net ir siame saite yra :)

Parašė V8· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:12

paieskoti reikia atidziau ir rasi juk

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 22:01:42

man ne modo reik sakau o paneles tik kodo nes dedu i headeri :[

Parašė Tadziokaz· 2009 Sau. 12 23:01:33

Kaip vienas zmogus pasake - neimanoma. Reikia karpyti headeri kad normaliai gautusi.

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 23:01:40

yra iskarpytas jau viena ideta bet dar daug kas ten nori detis ir as noriu kad keistusi ta reklama toje vietoje

Parašė Niger· 2009 Sau. 12 23:01:44

Tadziokaz parašė:
Kaip vienas zmogus pasake - neimanoma. Reikia karpyti headeri kad normaliai gautusi.

simple cia, bet tingiu aiskint :s

Rit paaiskinsiu jei nieks neuzbegs...

Redagavo Niger· 2009 Sau. 12 23:01:03

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 12 23:01:57

ok ;)

Parašė newlifeboy· 2009 Sau. 13 20:01:43

laukiu kas paasikintu :)

Parašė Niger· 2009 Sau. 13 20:01:19

Va norejau pasakot bet viskas yra isdestina tik anglu kalba,
zodziu parsisiunti ta moda baneriu, isarchivini ir skaituk redmes..

o cia i headeri integravimas:

The following code when added to your subheader will place the banner on the righthand side of your header.
It is important if useing this that your own site banner is taken into account when placeing the code.
The site banner is now also obtained from the theme directory.
So if your banner is banner.gif you must have it in at least the theme main directory
Every theme you want to use must have this and every banner must be named the same.

It is also important that you realize that every theme will run the banner in the top section of the page unless the theme is modified not to use the fusion standard

the following code must be placed after the body tag has closed in the standard subheader.php
It will replace the standard code so you can remove anything between the body tag and the ?>
This applies to default code only modified code may need alteration at this point!!!

//code start

//start banner replacement code
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."banner_panel/view.php"))
   include INFUSIONS."banner_panel/view.php";
$banner_display = '';
$input = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
   <td><img src="'.THEME.$settings['sitebanner'].'" alt="'.$settings['sitename'].'" title="'.$settings['sitename'].'"></td>
   <td align="right">'.$banner_display.'</td>
//end banner replacement code

//commented original code
//render_header("<img src='".THEME.$settings['sitebanner']."' alt='".$settings['sitename']."' title='".$settings['sitename']."'>");

//code end

Jei anglu supranti pasidarysi.