Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: usr gold pnl adminkė

Parašė _Tomas· 2008 Kov. 13 16:03:55

žinot visi su tuoj user_gold_panel Administracija Plius ir minus tašku.

ir yra problema dėl administravimo

Super administratorius gali plius ir minus auksą.
o administratorius tik iš savo pinigų pridėti.

Pažiurėjau tuos level'ius bet nlb ka ir radau.
gal žinot kaip ištaisyti kad admin galėtu plius ir minus auksą dalinti, nes db gali tik super adminas

Parašė sniuff· 2008 Kov. 13 16:03:24

O kodo nenori duoti ??

Parašė _Tomas· 2008 Kov. 13 16:03:02


if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { header("Location:../../index.php"); exit; }
//required functions
include_once INFUSIONS."user_gold_panel/functions.php";
//language file

// Check if locale file is available matching the current site locale setting.
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."user_gold_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
// Load the locale file matching the current site locale setting.
include INFUSIONS."user_gold_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
// Load the infusion's default locale file.
include INFUSIONS."user_gold_panel/locale/English.php";

//Show only if its a member
if (iMEMBER) {

openside($userdata['user_name'].' '.$locale['URG003']);
echo '<img src="'.THEME.'images/bullet.gif" alt="">&nbsp;'.getallgold($userdata['user_id']).'<br>';

echo '<img src="'.THEME.'images/bullet.gif" alt="">&nbsp;<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'user_gold_panel/index.php">'.$locale['URG023'].'</a><br>';

if (iADMIN) {
echo '<img src="'.THEME.'images/bullet.gif" alt="">&nbsp;<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'user_gold_panel/admin/index.php"><strong>'.$locale['URG022'].'</strong></a><br>';
//not logged in so no need to show anything here

$pointquery=dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users_points ORDER BY points_total DESC LIMIT 0 , 5");
//hide it if theres no reply
if (dbrows($pointquery)!=0)
//top 5 gold

echo '<table width="100%">';
while ($pointdata=dbarray($pointquery))
if ($i % 2 == 0) { $row_color = "tbl1"; } else { $row_color = "tbl2"; }
echo '<tr class="'.$row_color.'">
<td width="70%"><img src="'.THEME.'images/bullet.gif"> <a class="side" href="'.BASEDIR.'profile.php?lookup='.$pointdata['owner_id'].'">'.$pointdata['owner_name'].'</a></td>
<td width="30%">'.$pointdata['points_total'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>

Redagavo _Tomas· 2008 Kov. 13 16:03:19

Parašė kiskiss· 2008 Kov. 13 16:03:33

Ne šitas, o user_gold

Parašė _Tomas· 2008 Kov. 13 17:03:26
