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Autorius: IlOveBeeR | Peržiūrų: 1780 ![]() |
IlOveBeeR Narys Margas ![]() Pranešimai: 117 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 25 15:02:52 | |
ieskojau zmoniu prasiau akd isverstu angliskus txt failus gal kas turi niekas nepoadejo gal cia imesiu išvers tasiras zmoniu . galileo // $Revision: 288 $ $Date: 2009-02-18 22:02:21 -0500 (Wed, 18 Feb 2009) $ [en] GAL_CANCEL_FAIL_INPROGRESS = Cancellation failed; vote is already in progress. GAL_CANCEL_FAIL_SOMEONEELSE = Cancellation failed; ^"%s^" was nominated by %s. GAL_CANCEL_FAIL_VOTEOVER = Cancellation failed; vote outcome has already been determined. GAL_CANCEL_FAIL_WASNOTYOU = Cancellation failed; you have not previously nominated ^"%s^". GAL_CANCEL_SUCCESS = The following maps are no longer nominated: %s GAL_CHANGE_NEXTROUND = Map change will happen after this round. GAL_CHANGE_TIMEEXPIRED = Time limit has expired. GAL_CHOICE_EXTEND = You have chosen to extend the current map. GAL_CHOICE_EXTEND_ALL = %s has chosen to extend the current map. GAL_CHOICE_MAP = You have chosen ^"%s^". GAL_CHOICE_MAP_ALL = %s has chosen ^"%s^". GAL_CHOICE_NONE = You have chosen to not take part in this vote. GAL_CHOICE_NONE_ALL = %s has chosen to not take part in this vote. GAL_CHOICE_STAY = You have chosen to stay on the current map. GAL_CHOICE_STAY_ALL = %s has chosen to stay on the current map. GAL_CHOOSE = Choose the Next Map GAL_CMD_CREATEFILE_USAGE1 = Usage: gal_createmapfile <filename> GAL_CMD_CREATEFILE_USAGE2 = The file will be created in ./amxmodx/configs/galileo GAL_CMD_NOMS = * You can use 'noms' instead of 'nominations', if you would prefer. GAL_CMD_RTV = * You can use 'rtv' instead of 'rockthevote', if you would prefer. GAL_CREATIONFAILED = Could not create ^"%s^". GAL_CREATIONSUCCESS = Successfully created ^"%s^" (%i maps). GAL_DISABLED = This command has been disabled. GAL_FILLER_NOTFOUND = Could not open ^"%s^" to load maps used to fill the vote. GAL_GRP_FAIL_NOCOUNTS = No group counts could be found in ^"%s^" for the vote fill process. GAL_GRP_FAIL_TOOMANY = More than 8 filler group map counts were found in ^"%s^". Only the first 8 were loaded. GAL_LISTMAPS_MORE = Use '%s %i' or '%s *' for More GAL_LISTMAPS_SHOWING = Maps %i - %i of %i GAL_LISTMAPS_TITLE = Nominatable Maps GAL_MAPS_FILEMISSING = Could not open ^"%s^". GAL_MAPS_FOLDERMISSING = Could not find ^"maps^" directory. GAL_MAP_RECENTMAP = Recent Map GAL_MAP_RECENTMAPS = Recent Maps GAL_MATCHING = Matching: %s GAL_MATCH_CURRENTMAP = (current map) GAL_MATCH_NOMINATED = (nominated) GAL_MATCH_TOORECENT = (too recent) GAL_NEXTMAP = The next map will be ^"%s^". GAL_NEXTMAP_UNKNOWN = [not yet voted on] GAL_NEXTMAP_VOTING = [vote in progress] GAL_NOMINATEDBY = (nominated by %s) GAL_NOMINATIONS = NOMINATIONS GAL_NOMS_NOTFOUND = Could not open ^"%s^" to load maps that can be nominated. GAL_NOM_FAIL_ALREADY = Nomination failed; you have already nominated ^"%s^". GAL_NOM_FAIL_CURRENTMAP = Nomination failed; ^"%s^" is the current map. GAL_NOM_FAIL_INPROGRESS = Nomination failed; vote is already in progress. GAL_NOM_FAIL_NOMATCHES = Nomination failed; no map names matched ^"%s^". GAL_NOM_FAIL_SOMEONEELSE = Nomination failed; ^"%s^" has already been nominated by %s. GAL_NOM_FAIL_SOMEONEELSE_HLP = You can type, ^"nominations^", to see a list of current nominations. GAL_NOM_FAIL_TOOMANY = Nomination failed; you have already nominated %i maps (%s). GAL_NOM_FAIL_TOOMANY_HLP = To nominate a different map you must first cancel one of your current nominations. GAL_NOM_FAIL_TOORECENT = Nomination failed; ^"%s^" was played too recently. GAL_NOM_FAIL_TOORECENT_HLP = You can type, ^"recentmaps^", to see the most recently played maps. GAL_NOM_FAIL_VOTEOVER = Nomination failed; vote outcome has already been determined. GAL_NOM_GOOD_HLP = To cancel your nomination either type ^"<mapname>^" or ^"cancel <mapname>^". GAL_NOM_MATCHES = More than one map matched ^"%s^". Please choose the correct one. GAL_NOM_MATCHES_MAX = There may have been more than %i matches. Only the first %i will be shown. GAL_NOM_SUCCESS = %s has just nominated ^"%s^". GAL_OPTION_EXTEND = Extend ^"%s^" %i Minutes GAL_OPTION_NONE = None GAL_OPTION_STAY = Stay Here GAL_PREFIXES_NOTFOUND = Could not open ^"%s^" to load map prefixes. GAL_PREFIXES_TOOMANY = More than %i map prefixes were found in ^"%s^". GAL_RESULT = Result of the Vote GAL_RESULT_TIED1 = %i choices were tied for first. Two of them were randomly selected for the vote. GAL_RESULT_TIED2 = The first place choice and a randomly selected, of %i, second place choice will be in the vote. GAL_ROCK_ENOUGH = Enough players have rocked the vote that a vote for the next map will now begin. GAL_ROCK_FAIL_ALREADY = You have already rocked the vote. GAL_ROCK_FAIL_INPROGRESS = Vote is already in progress. GAL_ROCK_FAIL_PENDINGVOTE = There is a vote already scheduled to take place in less than 2 minutes. GAL_ROCK_FAIL_TOOSOON = You have to wait approximately %i more minutes before you can rock the vote. GAL_ROCK_FAIL_VOTEOVER = Vote outcome has already been determined. GAL_ROCK_NEEDMORE = %i more players need to ^"rockthevote^" to start the vote. GAL_ROCK_SUCCESS = You have rocked the vote. GAL_RUNOFF_REQUIRED = Runoff voting is required because the top choice didn't receive over 50%% of the votes cast. GAL_TIMELEFT = seconds remaining GAL_VOTE_COUNTDOWN = Voting will begin in %i seconds... GAL_VOTE_EARLY = Early map vote will begin within 2 minutes due to the server restart. GAL_VOTE_ENDED = The vote has ended. GAL_VOTE_INPROGRESS = Vote is already in progress. GAL_VOTE_NOMAPS = Vote creation failed; no maps found. GAL_VOTE_WEIGHTED = Your vote is weighted. It counts as %i. GAL_WINNER_EXTEND = The current map will be extended for %i minutes. GAL_WINNER_RANDOM = No one voted. The next map was randomly chosen to be ^"%s^". GAL_WINNER_STAY = We are staying here. GAL_WINNER_TIED = The winning choice was randomly selected from the %i tied top choices. lame_connection_punisher JOIN_MSG = Players with a lame connection will be punished (ping flux limit: %d, loss limit: %d). MSG_ALL_KICK = %s was kicked for his lame connection. MSG_ALL_BAN = %s was banned %d minutes for his lame connection. MSG_ALL_PBAN = %s was permanently banned for his lame connection. MSG_TARGET_LOSS = Your connection is loosing too many packets. MSG_TARGET_FLUX = Your ping is too unstable. zombie plague [en] NOTICE_INFO1 = Press M to show the game menu NOTICE_INFO2 = Press , or . to purchase ammo NOTICE_VIRUS_FREE = The T-Virus has been set loose... NOTICE_FIRST = %s is the first zombie !! NOTICE_INFECT = %s's brains has been eaten... NOTICE_INFECT2 = %s's brains has been eaten by %s... NOTICE_ANTIDOTE = %s has used an antidote... NOTICE_NEMESIS = %s is a Nemesis !!! NOTICE_SURVIVOR = %s is a Survivor !!! NOTICE_SWARM = Swarm Mode !!! NOTICE_MULTI = Multiple Infection !!! NOTICE_PLAGUE = Plague Mode !!! WIN_HUMAN = Humans defeated the plague! WIN_ZOMBIE = Zombies have taken over the world! WIN_NO_ONE = No one won... CMD_INFECT = turned into a Zombie CMD_DISINFECT = turned back to Human CMD_NEMESIS = turned into a Nemesis CMD_SURVIVAL = turned into a Survivor CMD_SWARM = start Swarm Mode CMD_MULTI = start Multiple Infection CMD_PLAGUE = start Plague Mode CMD_RESPAWN = respawned CMD_NOT = Unavailable command. CMD_ZOMBIE_ONLY = This is only availaašo zombies. CMD_HUMAN_ONLY = This is only availaašo humans. CMD_NOT_STUCK = You are not stuck. CMD_NOT_ACCESS = You have no access. CMD_NOT_CANTUSE = You can't use this right now. CMD_NOT_EXTRAS = Extra Items are disabled. CMD_NOT_ZCLASSES = Zombie Classes are disabled. MENU_BUY = Buy Weapons MENU_EXTRABUY = Buy Extra Items MENU_ZCLASS = Choose Zombie Class MENU_UNSTUCK = Unstuck MENU_ADMIN = Admin Menu MENU_INFO = Help MENU_SPECTATOR = Join Spectators MENU_BUY1_TITLE = Primary Weapon MENU_BUY2_TITLE = Secondary Weapon MENU_ZCLASS_TITLE = Zombie Class MENU_EXTRA_TITLE = Extra Items MENU_ADMIN_TITLE = Admin Menu MENU_INFO_TITLE = Plugin Information MENU_EXTRA1 = NightVision (single round) MENU_EXTRA2 = T-Virus Antidote MENU_EXTRA3 = Zombie Madness MENU_EXTRA4 = Infection Bomb MENU_ADMIN1 = Make Zombie/Human MENU_ADMIN2 = Make Nemesis MENU_ADMIN3 = Make Survivor MENU_ADMIN4 = Respawn Someone MENU_ADMIN5 = Start Swarm Mode MENU_ADMIN6 = Start Multiple Infection MENU_ADMIN7 = Start Plague Mode MENU_INFO1 = General MENU_INFO2 = Humans MENU_INFO3 = Zombies MENU_INFO4 = Gameplay Modes MENU_AUTOSELECT = Remember Selection MENU_BACK = Back MENU_NEXT = Next MENU_EXIT = Exit MOTD_INFO11 = <meta charset=UTF-8><body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\"><b>%s %s by %s :</b> is a Counter-Strike plugin developed for AMX Mod X, in which humans and zombies are confronted. It is based on the classic zombie infection mod: on every round a random player is picked to be the first zombie who has to infect everyone else. MOTD_INFO12 = But there are new features and enhancements. For instance, you are aašo buy extra items (such as weapons) in exchange of ammo packs. You can get ammo packs by killing zombies/infecting humans.<br><br><br><u>Current server settings:</u><br> MOTD_INFO1_A = <br>Ambience Effects: MOTD_INFO1_B = <br>Lightning Level: %s MOTD_INFO1_C = <br>Triggered Lights: %L MOTD_INFO1_D = <br>Thunderclaps Every: %d seconds MOTD_INFO1_E = <br>Doors: %L MOTD_INFO1_F = <br>Deathmatch: %L MOTD_INFO1_G = <br>Spawn Protection Time: %d seconds MOTD_INFO1_H = <br>Random Spawning: %L MOTD_INFO1_I = <br>Extra Items: %L MOTD_INFO1_J = <br>Zombie Classes: %L MOTD_INFO1_K = <br>Custom Nightvision: %L MOTD_INFO1_L = <br>Custom Flashlight: %L MOTD_INFO2 = <meta charset=UTF-8><body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\"><b>Humans:</b> their objective is to eliminate any zombie threat. They have a big arsenal of weapons to choose from, and use flashlights on dark maps. Team work is a must to survive.<br><br><br><u>Current server settings:</u><br> MOTD_INFO2_A = <br>Health: %d MOTD_INFO2_B = <br>Health Reward for Last Human: %d MOTD_INFO2_C = <br>Speed: %d MOTD_INFO2_D = <br>Gravity: %d MOTD_INFO2_E = <br>Ammo: %L MOTD_INFO2_F = <br>Damage to Get an Ammo Pack: %d MOTD_INFO2_G = <br>Fire Grenades: %L MOTD_INFO2_H = <br>Frost Grenades: %L MOTD_INFO2_I = <br>Flare Grenades: %L MOTD_INFO2_J = <br>Knockback: %L MOTD_INFO3 = <meta charset=UTF-8><body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\"><b>Zombies:</b> their objective is to infect every alive human. They are aašo see in the dark, but can only attack melee. There are many zombie classes to choose from, each with his own strenghts and weaknesses, but all capable of eating brains.<br><br><br><u>Current server settings:</u><br> MOTD_INFO3_A = <br>Zombie Health: %d MOTD_INFO3_B = <br>First Zombie Health: %d MOTD_INFO3_C = <br>Armor: %d%% damage taken MOTD_INFO3_D = <br>Speed: %d MOTD_INFO3_E = <br>Gravity: %d MOTD_INFO3_F = <br>HP for Infection: %d MOTD_INFO3_G = <br>Pain Shock Free: %L MOTD_INFO3_H = <br>Bleeding: %L MOTD_INFO3_I = <br>Ammo Packs for Infection: %d MOTD_INFO4 = <meta charset=UTF-8><body bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font color=\"#FF0505\"><b>Mini-Games:</b> there are 5 special gameplay modes that may randomly take place during the course of the game.<br><br><br><u>Current server settings:</u><br> MOTD_INFO4_A = <br>Nemesis: %L MOTD_INFO4_B = <br>Nemesis Chance: 1 in %d MOTD_INFO4_C = <br>Nemesis Health: %s MOTD_INFO4_D = <br>Nemesis Speed: %d MOTD_INFO4_E = <br>Nemesis Gravity: %d MOTD_INFO4_F = <br>Nemesis Leap: %L MOTD_INFO4_G = <br>Nemesis Pain Shock Free: %L MOTD_INFO4_H = <br><br>Survivor: %L MOTD_INFO4_I = <br>Survivor Chance: 1 in %d MOTD_INFO4_J = <br>Survivor Health: %s MOTD_INFO4_K = <br>Survivor Speed: %d MOTD_INFO4_L = <br>Survivor Gravity: %d MOTD_INFO4_M = <br>Survivor Leap: %L MOTD_INFO4_N = <br>Survivor Pain Shock Free: %L MOTD_INFO4_O = <br><br>Swarm Mode: %L MOTD_INFO4_P = <br>Swarm Mode Chance: 1 in %d MOTD_INFO4_Q = <br><br>Multi Infection: %L MOTD_INFO4_R = <br>Multi Infection Chance: 1 in %d MOTD_INFO4_S = <br>Infection Ratio: %d%% MOTD_INFO4_T = <br><br>Plague Mode: %L MOTD_INFO4_U = <br>Plague Mode Chance: 1 in %d MOTD_INFO4_V = <br>Infection Ratio: %d%% MOTD_ENABLED = Enabled MOTD_DISABLED = Disabled MOTD_FOG = Fog MOTD_RAIN = Rain MOTD_SNOW = Snow MOTD_ROTATING = Rotating doors removed MOTD_DOORS = All doors removed MOTD_DM_HUMAN = Respawn as human MOTD_DM_ZOMBIE = Respawn as zombie MOTD_LIMITED = Limited MOTD_AMMO_BP = Unlimited reloads MOTD_AMMO_CLIP = Unlimited clip MOTD_LASTZOMBIE = Only on last zombie ZOMBIE_ATTRIB1 = Health ZOMBIE_ATTRIB2 = Speed ZOMBIE_ATTRIB3 = Gravity ZOMBIE_ATTRIB4 = Knockback CLASS_CLASS = Class: CLASS_HUMAN = Human CLASS_ZOMBIE = Zombie CLASS_SURVIVOR = Survivor CLASS_NEMESIS = Nemesis LAST_ZOMBIE_LEFT = The last zombie has left, %s is the new zombie. LAST_HUMAN_LEFT = The last human has left, %s is the new human. NOT_ENOUGH_AMMO = You dont have enough ammo packs. AMMO_BOUGHT = You purchased extra ammo for your guns. ZOMBIE_SELECT = Your zombie class after the next infection will be BUY_ENABLED = Your buy menu has been re-enabled. AMMO_PACKS1 = Ammo packs: AMMO_PACKS2 = ammo packs SPECTATING = Spectating: busiu ziuriai dekingas ir atsilyginsiu kuo galedamas. +10 ir busiu ziuariai dekingas. |
nbanba Narys Kapitonas Pranešimai: 727 Įstojęs: 2007 Bir. 18 22:06:19 | |
atsilyginsiu kuo galedamas. Tai iškart ir sakyk kiek LT siūlai ![]() |
IlOveBeeR Narys Margas ![]() Pranešimai: 117 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 25 15:02:52 | |
nzn kiek uz toki darba reik moket..![]() |
Peacemaker Narys Ekspertas Pranešimai: 3085 Įstojęs: 2007 Lie. 31 17:07:59 | |
25 - 30 Lt. Tikrai ne mažiau. Galiu imtis užsakymo kad ir dabar. Kiekvienam žmogui yra skirta dovana, tik ne kiekvienas sugeba ją atrasti. Redagavo Peacemaker 2010 Sau. 5 15:01:06 |
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