
Vartotojų tinkle

Prisijungusių svečių: 222
Prisijungusių narių: 0
Prisijungusių narių nėra

Registruoti nariai: 25,956
Naujausias narys: saulyzas

Naujausi straipsniai

Paskutiniai nariai

Reikalas 1 diena
MaFetas 2 savaitės
ozzWANTED 3 savaitės
saulyzas 5 savaitės
TOMIJUS 7 savaitės
Jaunelis22 savaitės
lanis22 savaitės
And2s23 savaitės
Memento Mori28 savaitės
Quwqkibor30 savaitės
asirija34 savaitės
tomeem36 savaitės
weberiz39 savaitės
mRokass42 savaitės
kartoonas43 savaitės
grunskiz46 savaitės
Bruksnys46 savaitės
illusion46 savaitės
ordo47 savaitės
Jurgaila48 savaitės


OS: Unknown
Naršyklė: Nežinoma
Naujienų: 529
Straipsnių: 235
Temų: 52,589
Postų: 522,538
Postų pask. parą: 0
Shout'ų pask. parą: 0
P.S.C. pask. parą: 0
Nuorodų kataloge: 13

Lankomumo Statistika

Peržiūrų šiandien: 22

Iš viso peržiūrų: 22948724


Nario vardas


Pamiršai slaptažodį?
Paprašyk naujo

Aktyvuoti save


Jei norite rašyti žinutes, turite prisijungti.

2024 Lap. 30 15:11:14
Taip, vis dar up šypsosi

2024 Lap. 13 22:11:57
hey how, geras dar veikiantis saitas?

2024 Lie. 25 11:07:43
Oho vis dar veikia svetainė akinanti šypsen Šimtas metų, matau Šaukykloje nuostalgija. Smagu panaršyt po forumą ir pažiūrėt senas temas šypsosi

2024 Lie. 17 19:07:04
2008 pirmą kart čia patekau, man buvo 10m ir čia pramokau programavimo.. smagu skaityti senas žinutes, tokia nostalgija akinanti šypsen ačiū Ozz kad saugoji šitą kultūrinį reliktą šypsosi

2024 Sau. 17 01:01:00
Desperatiškus komentarus šaukykloje su accountu po mėnesio prasibuvimo, ištryniau. Pasaulis ir taip juodas. Įjungiam šviesą, prašviesės. šypsosi

Šaukyklos archyvas


Ar esate patenkinti lietuviško vertimo kokybe?


Taip, bet yra ką taisyti (parašysiu komentaruose)


Norėdamas balsuoti turite prisijungti.
Reklama 400x60
Jaunelio Klausimai :)
Forumas | PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Shopify, PHP ir MySQL (PROGRAMAVIMAS) | Žaliems

Puslapis 1 iš 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 >
Autorius: Jaunelis Peržiūrų: 87022      Spausdinti temą
2008 Spa. 9 15:10:52          1 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Sveiki, norėčiau paprašyti Jūsų pagalbos taigi noriu padaryti kad po headeriu butu migtukai bet kažkas šitame kode blogai gal kas nors padės... Kodas:
function render_header($header_content) {
global $theme_width,$settings,$locale,$userdata,$aidlink;

   echo "<table  align='center' width='$theme_width' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border:0px solid #999999; margin-top:-10px;'>";
   echo "<tr><td><table align='center' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
   echo "<tr><td><table align='center' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
   echo "<tr><td width='100%'>";
   // Start banner code / Banerio kodas
   echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
   echo "<tr><td height='25' background='".THEME."images/jou.jpg' align='center' valign='middle'>
              <table width='95%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>
              <td width='95%' align='center'style='padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px;'>";

    <td><table border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>

   echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='4' bgcolor='#F8F8F8' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr>";

Antras klausimas gal galite duoti ar pataisyti šį kodą kad galėtu iėjti y šią nuoroda tik administratoriai:
<td width='75' align='center'><a href='".BASEDIR."news.php'><img src='".THEME."images/Pagrindinis.jpg' border=0' alt='Pradinis'></a></td>

O dėl klaidos tai meta:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/..../ on line 24

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Spa. 9 18:10:18
2008 Spa. 9 16:10:10          2 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Tai redagok 24 line,kaskas ten blogai...

2008 Spa. 9 16:10:05          3 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
na gerai o kaip dėl antro klausimo dėl administracijos kad iejt galėtu tik adminas...

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 9 16:10:20          4 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Modų saite yra user info kažkokai tai iš ten gali tą kodą išimiti šypsosi

2008 Spa. 9 16:10:22          5 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
ShadoVw parašė:
Modų saite yra user info kažkokai tai iš ten gali tą kodą išimiti šypsosi

Neišeina man žliumbia aš noriu kad tik adminas matytu ta nuoroda

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 9 16:10:03          6 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
if(iADMIN) {
echo "<td width='75' align='center'><a href='".BASEDIR."news.php'><img src='".THEME."images/Pagrindinis.jpg' border=0' alt='Pradinis'></a></td>";
echo "

2008 Spa. 9 16:10:17          7 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Sharkman parašė:
if(iADMIN) {
echo "<td width='75' align='center'><a href='".BASEDIR."news.php'><img src='".THEME."images/Pagrindinis.jpg' border=0' alt='Pradinis'></a></td>";
echo "

Didelis dėkui šypsosi

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 9 17:10:38          8 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Dar vienas klausimėlis....
kaip panaikinti apibraukta dalyką:

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."photogallery.php";

<script type="text/javascript" src="highslide/highslide.js"></script>

2) Initialize the hs object and optionally override the settings defined at the top
of the highslide.js file. The parameter hs.graphicsDir is important!

<script type="text/javascript">
hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/';
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
window.onload = function() {

3) These CSS-styles are necessary for the script to work. You may also put
them in an external CSS-file. See the webpage for documentation.

<style type="text/css">
* {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
.highslide {
cursor: url(highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
outline: none;
.highslide img {
border: 2px solid gray;
.highslide:hover img {
border: 2px solid white;

.highslide-image {
border: 2px solid white;
.highslide-image-blur {
.highslide-caption {
display: none;

border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 5px;
background-color: white;
.highslide-display-block {
display: block;
.highslide-display-none {
display: none;
.highslide-loading {
display: block;
color: white;
font-size: 9px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px;
border-top: 1px solid white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
background-color: black;
padding-left: 22px;
background-image: url(highslide/graphics/loader.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 3px 1px;
a.highslide-credits i {
padding: 2px;
color: silver;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 10px;
a.highslide-credits:hover i {
color: white;
background-color: gray;
<div id="highslide-container"></div>

define("SAFEMODE", @ini_get("safe_mode") ? true : false);
if (isset($photo_id) && !isNum($photo_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (isset($album_id) && !isNum($album_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) $rowstart = 0;

$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta USING (album_id)
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE photo_id='$photo_id' GROUP BY tp.photo_id"
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$data['album_id']."/" : ""));
include INCLUDES."comments_include.php";
include INCLUDES."ratings_include.php";
$result=dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."photos SET photo_views=(photo_views+1) WHERE photo_id='".$photo_id."'");

$pres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']-1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
$nres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']+1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
if (dbrows($pres)) $prev = dbarray($pres);
if (dbrows($nres)) $next = dbarray($nres);

if ($data['photo_thumb2']) $photo_thumb = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2'];
$photo_file = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename'];
$photo_size = @getimagesize($photo_file);

echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id'>".$data['photo_title']."</a>\n</td>\n";
if (isset($prev) || isset($next)) {
if (isset($prev)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$prev['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['451']."'><<</a></td>\n";
if (isset($next)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$next['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['452']."'>>></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";


echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
echo"<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

//echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
//echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"'showphoto.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."','','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,width=".($photo_size[0]+20).",height=".($photo_size[1]+20)."')\">";
//echo "<img src='".(isset($photo_thumb) ? $photo_thumb : $photo_file)."' alt='".$data['photo_filename']."' title='".$locale['453']."' border='0'></a>\n</div>\n";
echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px 0px 5px 0px'>\n";

if ($data['photo_description']) echo nl2br(parseubb($data['photo_description']))."</b><br><br>\n";
echo $locale['433'].showdate("shortdate", $data['photo_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['434']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";
echo $locale['454']."$photo_size[0] x $photo_size[1] ".$locale['455']."<br>\n";
echo $locale['456'].parsebytesize(filesize($photo_file))."<br>\n";
echo $locale['436'].dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")."<br>\n";
echo $locale['437'].($data['count_votes'] > 0 ? str_repeat("<img src='".IMAGES."star.gif' alt='*' style='vertical-align:middle'>", ceil($data['sum_rating'] / $data['count_votes'])) : $locale['438'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['457'].$data['photo_views']."\n";
if ($data['photo_allow_comments'] == "1") showcomments("P","photos","photo_id",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
if ($data['photo_allow_ratings']) showratings("P",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
} elseif (isset($album_id)) {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$album_id."/" : ""));
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.* FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta WHERE album_id='$album_id'"
if (!dbrows($result)) {
} else {
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='$album_id'");
echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='80%'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td rowspan='2' align='center' class='tbl1'><img src='".PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb']."'></td>\n";
echo "<td valign='top' width='100%'><div class='tbl2' style='font-weight:bold;vertical-align:top'>".$locale['421'].$data['album_title']."</div>\n";
echo "<div class='tbl1' style='vertical-align:middle'>".nl2br(parseubb($data['album_description']))."</div>\n</td>\n</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n<td valign='bottom' width='100%'>\n<div class='tbl2' style='vertical-align:bottom'>\n";
if ($rows) {
$pdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT tp.*, tu.user_id,user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id WHERE album_id='$album_id' ORDER BY photo_datestamp DESC LIMIT 1"));
echo $locale['422']."$rows<br>\n";
echo $locale['423']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$pdata['user_id']."'>".$pdata['user_name']."</a>".$locale['424'].showdate("longdate", $pdata['photo_datestamp'])."\n";
} else {
echo $locale['425']."\n";
echo "</div>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>";
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE album_id=$album_id GROUP BY photo_id ORDER BY photo_order LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['photo_title']."</b><br><br>\n";

<div class='highslide-caption' id='caption-for-thumb".$data['photo_id']."'>";

if($data['photo_description'] !="") {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Description:</td><td class='tbl1'> ".$data['photo_description']."</td></tr></table>";

$result1 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."comments WHERE comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."' ORDER BY comment_id DESC LIMIT 3");
if(dbrows($result1)) {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'><b>Comments:</b></td></tr>";
while ($data1 = dbarray($result1)) {
$commentname = dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$data1['comment_name']."'");
$commentname2 = dbarray($commentname);
$commentname3 = $commentname2['user_name'];
<tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Comment by: ".$commentname3."</td><td class='tbl1'>".nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys($data1['comment_message'])))."</td></tr>";

$calculate_comments = dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'");
if($calculate_comments >3) {
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr>
<td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'>You are viewing the 3 latest comments. [<a href='".BASEDIR."photogallery.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."' class='small'>Click here to see all comments</a>] (there is currently ".dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")." comments)</td></tr></table>";

<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb1']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

echo "<br><br>\n<span class='small'>\n";
echo $locale['433'].showdate("shortdate", $data['photo_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['434']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";

echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."photogallery.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."' class='small'>Komentuoti</a><br>\n";

echo" ".$locale['436'].dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")."<br>\n";
echo $locale['437'].($data['count_votes'] > 0 ? str_repeat("<img src='".IMAGES."star.gif' alt='*' style='vertical-align:middle'>", ceil($data['sum_rating'] / $data['count_votes'])) : $locale['438'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['435'].$data['photo_views']."</span><br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3,FUSION_SELF."?album_id=$album_id&")."\n</div>\n";
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(album_id)", "photo_albums", groupaccess('album_access'));
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON ta.album_user=tu.user_id
WHERE ".groupaccess('album_access')." ORDER BY album_order
LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0; $r = 0; $k = 1;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['album_title']."</b><br><br>\n<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>";
if ($data['album_thumb'] && file_exists(PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb'])){
echo "<img src='".PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb']."' alt='".$data['album_thumb']."' title='".$locale['401']."' border='0'>";
} else {
echo $locale['402'];
echo "</a><br><br>\n<span class='small'>\n";
echo $locale['403'].showdate("shortdate", $data['album_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['404']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";
echo $locale['405'].dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='".$data['album_id']."'")."</span><br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
$counter++; $k++;
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3)."\n</div>\n";
echo "<center><br>".$locale['406']."<br><br></center>\n";

require "side_right.php";
require "footer.php";

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Spa. 9 17:10:00
2008 Spa. 9 18:10:22          9 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Štai kodas, nebebus tos paneles kur apibraukei.

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."photogallery.php";

<script type="text/javascript" src="highslide/highslide.js"></script>

2) Initialize the hs object and optionally override the settings defined at the top
of the highslide.js file. The parameter hs.graphicsDir is important!

<script type="text/javascript">
hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/';
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
window.onload = function() {

3) These CSS-styles are necessary for the script to work. You may also put
them in an external CSS-file. See the webpage for documentation.

<style type="text/css">
* {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
.highslide {
cursor: url(highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
outline: none;
.highslide img {
border: 2px solid gray;
.highslide:hover img {
border: 2px solid white;

.highslide-image {
border: 2px solid white;
.highslide-image-blur {
.highslide-caption {
display: none;

border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 5px;
background-color: white;
.highslide-display-block {
display: block;
.highslide-display-none {
display: none;
.highslide-loading {
display: block;
color: white;
font-size: 9px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px;
border-top: 1px solid white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
background-color: black;
padding-left: 22px;
background-image: url(highslide/graphics/loader.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 3px 1px;
a.highslide-credits i {
padding: 2px;
color: silver;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 10px;
a.highslide-credits:hover i {
color: white;
background-color: gray;
<div id="highslide-container"></div>

define("SAFEMODE", @ini_get("safe_mode") ? true : false);
if (isset($photo_id) && !isNum($photo_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (isset($album_id) && !isNum($album_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) $rowstart = 0;

$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta USING (album_id)
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE photo_id='$photo_id' GROUP BY tp.photo_id"
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$data['album_id']."/" : ""));
include INCLUDES."comments_include.php";
include INCLUDES."ratings_include.php";
$result=dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."photos SET photo_views=(photo_views+1) WHERE photo_id='".$photo_id."'");

$pres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']-1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
$nres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']+1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
if (dbrows($pres)) $prev = dbarray($pres);
if (dbrows($nres)) $next = dbarray($nres);

if ($data['photo_thumb2']) $photo_thumb = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2'];
$photo_file = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename'];
$photo_size = @getimagesize($photo_file);

echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id'>".$data['photo_title']."</a>\n</td>\n";
if (isset($prev) || isset($next)) {
if (isset($prev)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$prev['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['451']."'><<</a></td>\n";
if (isset($next)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$next['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['452']."'>>></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";


echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
echo"<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

//echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
//echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"'showphoto.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."','','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,width=".($photo_size[0]+20).",height=".($photo_size[1]+20)."')\">";
//echo "<img src='".(isset($photo_thumb) ? $photo_thumb : $photo_file)."' alt='".$data['photo_filename']."' title='".$locale['453']."' border='0'></a>\n</div>\n";
echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px 0px 5px 0px'>\n";

if ($data['photo_description']) echo nl2br(parseubb($data['photo_description']))."</b><br><br>\n";
echo $locale['433'].showdate("shortdate", $data['photo_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['434']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";
echo $locale['454']."$photo_size[0] x $photo_size[1] ".$locale['455']."<br>\n";
echo $locale['456'].parsebytesize(filesize($photo_file))."<br>\n";
echo $locale['436'].dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")."<br>\n";
echo $locale['437'].($data['count_votes'] > 0 ? str_repeat("<img src='".IMAGES."star.gif' alt='*' style='vertical-align:middle'>", ceil($data['sum_rating'] / $data['count_votes'])) : $locale['438'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['457'].$data['photo_views']."\n";
if ($data['photo_allow_comments'] == "1") showcomments("P","photos","photo_id",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
if ($data['photo_allow_ratings']) showratings("P",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
} elseif (isset($album_id)) {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$album_id."/" : ""));
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.* FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta WHERE album_id='$album_id'"
if (!dbrows($result)) {
} else {
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='$album_id'");
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE album_id=$album_id GROUP BY photo_id ORDER BY photo_order LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['photo_title']."</b><br><br>\n";

<div class='highslide-caption' id='caption-for-thumb".$data['photo_id']."'>";

if($data['photo_description'] !="") {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Description:</td><td class='tbl1'> ".$data['photo_description']."</td></tr></table>";

$result1 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."comments WHERE comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."' ORDER BY comment_id DESC LIMIT 3");
if(dbrows($result1)) {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'><b>Comments:</b></td></tr>";
while ($data1 = dbarray($result1)) {
$commentname = dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$data1['comment_name']."'");
$commentname2 = dbarray($commentname);
$commentname3 = $commentname2['user_name'];
<tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Comment by: ".$commentname3."</td><td class='tbl1'>".nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys($data1['comment_message'])))."</td></tr>";

$calculate_comments = dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'");
if($calculate_comments >3) {
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr>
<td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'>You are viewing the 3 latest comments. [<a href='".BASEDIR."photogallery.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."' class='small'>Click here to see all comments</a>] (there is currently ".dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")." comments)</td></tr></table>";

<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb1']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

echo "<br><br>\n<span class='small'>\n";
echo $locale['433'].showdate("shortdate", $data['photo_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['434']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";

echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."photogallery.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."' class='small'>Komentuoti</a><br>\n";

echo" ".$locale['436'].dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")."<br>\n";
echo $locale['437'].($data['count_votes'] > 0 ? str_repeat("<img src='".IMAGES."star.gif' alt='*' style='vertical-align:middle'>", ceil($data['sum_rating'] / $data['count_votes'])) : $locale['438'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['435'].$data['photo_views']."</span><br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3,FUSION_SELF."?album_id=$album_id&")."\n</div>\n";
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(album_id)", "photo_albums", groupaccess('album_access'));
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON ta.album_user=tu.user_id
WHERE ".groupaccess('album_access')." ORDER BY album_order
LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0; $r = 0; $k = 1;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['album_title']."</b><br><br>\n<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>";
if ($data['album_thumb'] && file_exists(PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb'])){
echo "<img src='".PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb']."' alt='".$data['album_thumb']."' title='".$locale['401']."' border='0'>";
} else {
echo $locale['402'];
echo "</a><br><br>\n<span class='small'>\n";
echo $locale['403'].showdate("shortdate", $data['album_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['404']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";
echo $locale['405'].dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='".$data['album_id']."'")."</span><br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
$counter++; $k++;
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3)."\n</div>\n";
echo "<center><br>".$locale['406']."<br><br></center>\n";

require "side_right.php";
require "footer.php";

2008 Spa. 9 18:10:38          10 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Fanio - dėkui šen jus geri kažkokiemerkia akį dar norėčiau paprašyti gal galit panaikinti tuos užrašus kur idėjimo data,komentuoti,idėjo, na kad tik foto rodytu , jai galit šypsosi

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 9 18:10:43          11 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Padariau kaip prašei.

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."photogallery.php";

<script type="text/javascript" src="highslide/highslide.js"></script>

2) Initialize the hs object and optionally override the settings defined at the top
of the highslide.js file. The parameter hs.graphicsDir is important!

<script type="text/javascript">
hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/';
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
window.onload = function() {

3) These CSS-styles are necessary for the script to work. You may also put
them in an external CSS-file. See the webpage for documentation.

<style type="text/css">
* {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 8pt;
.highslide {
cursor: url(highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
outline: none;
.highslide img {
border: 2px solid gray;
.highslide:hover img {
border: 2px solid white;

.highslide-image {
border: 2px solid white;
.highslide-image-blur {
.highslide-caption {
display: none;

border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica;
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 5px;
background-color: white;
.highslide-display-block {
display: block;
.highslide-display-none {
display: none;
.highslide-loading {
display: block;
color: white;
font-size: 9px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px;
border-top: 1px solid white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;
background-color: black;
padding-left: 22px;
background-image: url(highslide/graphics/loader.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 3px 1px;
a.highslide-credits i {
padding: 2px;
color: silver;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 10px;
a.highslide-credits:hover i {
color: white;
background-color: gray;
<div id="highslide-container"></div>

define("SAFEMODE", @ini_get("safe_mode") ? true : false);
if (isset($photo_id) && !isNum($photo_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (isset($album_id) && !isNum($album_id)) fallback(FUSION_SELF);
if (!isset($rowstart) || !isNum($rowstart)) $rowstart = 0;

$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta USING (album_id)
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE photo_id='$photo_id' GROUP BY tp.photo_id"
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$data['album_id']."/" : ""));
include INCLUDES."comments_include.php";
include INCLUDES."ratings_include.php";
$result=dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."photos SET photo_views=(photo_views+1) WHERE photo_id='".$photo_id."'");

$pres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']-1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
$nres = dbquery("SELECT photo_id FROM ".$db_prefix."photos WHERE photo_order='".($data['photo_order']+1)."' AND album_id='".$data['album_id']."'");
if (dbrows($pres)) $prev = dbarray($pres);
if (dbrows($nres)) $next = dbarray($nres);

if ($data['photo_thumb2']) $photo_thumb = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2'];
$photo_file = PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename'];
$photo_size = @getimagesize($photo_file);

echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id'>".$data['photo_title']."</a>\n</td>\n";
if (isset($prev) || isset($next)) {
if (isset($prev)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$prev['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['451']."'><<</a></td>\n";
if (isset($next)) echo "<td width='1%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=".$next['photo_id']."' title='".$locale['452']."'>>></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";


echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
echo"<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb2']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

//echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>\n";
//echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"'showphoto.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."','','scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,width=".($photo_size[0]+20).",height=".($photo_size[1]+20)."')\">";
//echo "<img src='".(isset($photo_thumb) ? $photo_thumb : $photo_file)."' alt='".$data['photo_filename']."' title='".$locale['453']."' border='0'></a>\n</div>\n";
echo "<div align='center' style='margin:5px 0px 5px 0px'>\n";

if ($data['photo_description']) echo nl2br(parseubb($data['photo_description']))."</b><br><br>\n";
echo $locale['454']."$photo_size[0] x $photo_size[1] ".$locale['455']."<br>\n";
echo $locale['456'].parsebytesize(filesize($photo_file))."<br>\n";
echo $locale['436'].dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")."<br>\n";
echo $locale['437'].($data['count_votes'] > 0 ? str_repeat("<img src='".IMAGES."star.gif' alt='*' style='vertical-align:middle'>", ceil($data['sum_rating'] / $data['count_votes'])) : $locale['438'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['457'].$data['photo_views']."\n";
if ($data['photo_allow_comments'] == "1") showcomments("P","photos","photo_id",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
if ($data['photo_allow_ratings']) showratings("P",$photo_id,FUSION_SELF."?photo_id=$photo_id");
} elseif (isset($album_id)) {
define("PHOTODIR", PHOTOS.(!SAFEMODE ? "album_".$album_id."/" : ""));
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.* FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta WHERE album_id='$album_id'"
if (!dbrows($result)) {
} else {
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='$album_id'");
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT tp.*, tu.user_id,user_name, SUM(tr.rating_vote) AS sum_rating, COUNT(tr.rating_item_id) AS count_votes
FROM ".$db_prefix."photos tp
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON tp.photo_user=tu.user_id
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."ratings tr ON tr.rating_item_id = tp.photo_id AND tr.rating_type='P'
WHERE album_id=$album_id GROUP BY photo_id ORDER BY photo_order LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'>\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['400']."</a> >\n";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>".$data['album_title']."</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['photo_title']."</b><br><br>\n";

<div class='highslide-caption' id='caption-for-thumb".$data['photo_id']."'>";

if($data['photo_description'] !="") {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Description:</td><td class='tbl1'> ".$data['photo_description']."</td></tr></table>";

$result1 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."comments WHERE comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."' ORDER BY comment_id DESC LIMIT 3");
if(dbrows($result1)) {
echo"<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr><td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'><b>Comments:</b></td></tr>";
while ($data1 = dbarray($result1)) {
$commentname = dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$data1['comment_name']."'");
$commentname2 = dbarray($commentname);
$commentname3 = $commentname2['user_name'];
<tr><td class='tbl1' width='100'>Comment by: ".$commentname3."</td><td class='tbl1'>".nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys($data1['comment_message'])))."</td></tr>";

$calculate_comments = dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'");
if($calculate_comments >3) {
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'><tr>
<td align='center' class='tbl1' colspan='2'>You are viewing the 3 latest comments. [<a href='".BASEDIR."photogallery.php?photo_id=".$data['photo_id']."' class='small'>Click here to see all comments</a>] (there is currently ".dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_type='P' AND comment_item_id='".$data['photo_id']."'")." comments)</td></tr></table>";

<a id='thumb".$data['photo_id']."' href='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_filename']."' class=\"highslide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">
<img src='".PHOTODIR.$data['photo_thumb1']."' alt=\"Highslide JS\"

echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3,FUSION_SELF."?album_id=$album_id&")."\n</div>\n";
} else {
$rows = dbcount("(album_id)", "photo_albums", groupaccess('album_access'));
if ($rows) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.*, tu.user_id,user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."photo_albums ta
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users tu ON ta.album_user=tu.user_id
WHERE ".groupaccess('album_access')." ORDER BY album_order
LIMIT $rowstart,".$settings['thumbs_per_page']
$counter = 0; $r = 0; $k = 1;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $settings['thumbs_per_row'] == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td align='center' valign='top' class='tbl'>\n";
echo "<b>".$data['album_title']."</b><br><br>\n<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?album_id=".$data['album_id']."'>";
if ($data['album_thumb'] && file_exists(PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb'])){
echo "<img src='".PHOTOS.$data['album_thumb']."' alt='".$data['album_thumb']."' title='".$locale['401']."' border='0'>";
} else {
echo $locale['402'];
echo "</a><br><br>\n<span class='small'>\n";
echo $locale['403'].showdate("shortdate", $data['album_datestamp'])."<br>\n";
echo $locale['404']."<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a><br>\n";
echo $locale['405'].dbcount("(photo_id)", "photos", "album_id='".$data['album_id']."'")."</span><br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
$counter++; $k++;
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($rows > $settings['thumbs_per_page']) echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makePageNav($rowstart,$settings['thumbs_per_page'],$rows,3)."\n</div>\n";
echo "<center><br>".$locale['406']."<br><br></center>\n";

require "side_right.php";
require "footer.php";

2008 Spa. 9 18:10:47          12 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Fanio tikrai didelis AČIŪ tau :)

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Spa. 9 19:10:24
2008 Spa. 9 20:10:59          13 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
turiu klausima kaip galima butu theme sucentruoti visoms rezoliucijoms ???

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 9 21:10:28          14 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Va man rodo viską normalej o drauguj rodo tema taip:
jau pasidariau

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Spa. 9 23:10:44
2008 Spa. 14 19:10:34          15 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Turiu problema su forumu gal padėsite išspresti kodėl taip yra?

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 14 19:10:12          16 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
kazka jau iterpinejai turbut... truksta arba per daug kazkokiu tagu prideta šypsosi

PACHA - best club ever
2008 Spa. 14 19:10:35          17 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
a {
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pre {
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.quote {
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.poll {
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.comment-name {
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.shoutboxname {
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.shoutbox {
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.shoutboxdate {
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.side-label {
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code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 15 22:10:07          18 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
gal galit padėti žliumbia

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 15 22:10:14          19 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Prie ko čia styles? Tu čia viewthread tvarkykis be žado
2008 Spa. 15 22:10:06          20 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Dėkui jau susitvarkiau šypsosi

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Spa. 29 23:10:34          21 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
1.Taigi kas galėtu man padėti man reiktų kad naujienose kur buna ten parashe admin data komentarai skaityti daugiau ir pns tai man reiktų kad butų tik skaityti daugiau. dėku iš anksto kas padėsit ir jai dar nebusiu daves +10 tai duosiu ;)
function render_news($subject, $news, $info) {

echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='494'>
<td align='center' class='capmain'>$subject</td>
<td class='main-body'>$news</td>
<td align='center' class='news-footer'>\n";
echo openform("N",$info['news_id']).newsopts;
echo "</td>


function render_article($subject, $article, $info) {
echo "<table width='494' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td align='center' class='capmain'>$subject</td>
<td class='main-body'>
".($info['article_breaks'] == "y" ? nl2br($article) : $article)."
<td align='center' class='news-footer'>\n";
echo openform("A",$info['article_id']).articleposter($info," &middot;").articleopts($info,"&middot;").closeform("A",$info['article_id']);
echo "</td>


2.kur ką keisti kad nebutų to tarpo tarp footerio(apibraukta):


code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Lap. 2 13:11:14
2008 Lap. 2 13:11:15          22 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Na dar vienas klausimas dabar dėl prisijungimo headerije....
man rodo šitaip:
o jam rodo:

Va header.php
global $theme_width,$settings,$aidlink,$locale,$userdata;
echo "<table width='736' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' background='".THEME."images/headeris.jpg' height='206 style='background-repeat: no-repeat;'>
      <td width='235' style='padding-right: 500px; padding-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top:10px;' valign='middle'>";
      if (iMEMBER) {
   $msg_count = dbcount("(message_id)", "messages", "message_to='".$userdata['user_id']."' AND message_read='0'AND message_folder='0'");
   echo "<table width='235' border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>
   if ($userdata['user_avatar'] != "") {
   echo "<center><img src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$userdata['user_avatar']."' width='100' height='100' style='border:1px solid #999999'></center>\n";
   } else {
   echo "<center><img src='".THEME."images/noavatar.gif' width='100' height='100' border='0'></center>\n";
   echo "</td>
    <td valign='top'><img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".BASEDIR."edit_profile.php' class='textbox'>Redaguoti profili</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php' class='textbox'>zinutes [naujo: <b><span style='color:#990000'>".sprintf($msg_count)."</span></b>]</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".BASEDIR."members.php' class='textbox'>Nariai</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$userdata['user_id']."' class='textbox'>Mano profilis</a><br>\n";   
                        if (iADMIN && (iUSER_RIGHTS != "" || iUSER_RIGHTS != "C")) {
      echo "<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".ADMIN."index.php".$aidlink."' class='textbox'>Administracija</a><br>\n";
   echo "<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt=''> <a href='".BASEDIR."setuser.php?logout=yes' class='textbox'>".$locale['084']."</a><br><br>
   <b><span class='ip'>IP: </span></b>";
   $userip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $host = gethostbyaddr($userip);
      echo "<span class='ip'>".$userip."</span><br /></td></tr></table>\n";
   } else {
   echo "<table width='170' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'><form name='loginform' method='post' action='".FUSION_SELF."'>
    <td align='right' class='ip'>Vardas: </td>
    <td> <input type='text' name='user_name' class='textbox' style='width:100px;filter:alpha(opacity=100)'></td>
    <td align='right' class='ip'>".$locale['062'].": </td>
    <td> <input type='password' name='user_pass' class='textbox' style='width:100px;filter:alpha(opacity=100)'></td>
    <td align='right'><input type='checkbox' name='remember_me' value='y'></td>
    <td> <input type='submit' name='login' value='Prisijungti' class='button'></td>
   if ($settings['enable_registration']) {
      echo "<a href=".BASEDIR."register.php>Registracija</a> / <a href=".BASEDIR."lostpassword.php>Slaptazodis</a>\n";
echo "</td>
   echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='4' bgcolor='#F8F8F8' cellspacing='0' border='0'><tr>";   

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Lap. 2 13:11:28
2008 Lap. 2 13:11:27          23 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Ir vėl tu šūdą kuri, bliad bliad.

[galingų saliutų foto]
2008 Lap. 2 13:11:58          24 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Toonis parašė:
Ir vėl tu šūdą kuri, bliad bliad.

Pats tu šūdas! jai nenori padėt tai vali iš šitos temos... pz neprašiau ašv čia komentuot jau net padėt nieks negali... nu čia pox jau susitvarkiau blogai

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Lap. 2 13:11:42          25 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Jaunelis parašė:
Pats tu šūdas! jai nenori padėt tai vali iš šitos temos... pz neprašiau ašv čia komentuot jau net padėt nieks negali... nu čia pox jau susitvarkiau blogai
Nesimušk, ne riaušės. ;>> Prisipažink, kad šūdus kuri, lievas tikrai.

[galingų saliutų foto]
2008 Lap. 16 14:11:17          26 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once "subheader.php";
require_once "side_left.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."members-profile.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."user_fields.php";

if (!isset($group_id)) {
   if (!isset($lookup) || !isNum($lookup)) fallback("index.php");
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='$lookup'");
   if (dbrows($result)) { $data = dbarray($result); } else { redirect("index.php"); }
   echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>
<td colspan='3'>
<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
<td class='tbl2'><b>".$data['user_name']."</b></td>
<td align='right' class='tbl2'>".getuserlevel($data['user_level'])."</td>
<td align='center' width='150' rowspan='5' class='tbl2'>\n";

   echo ($data['user_avatar'] ? "<img src='".IMAGES."avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."' alt='".$locale['u017']."'>" : $locale['u046'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u009']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".($data['user_location'] ? $data['user_location'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u010']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>";
   if ($data['user_birthdate'] != "0000-00-00") {
      $months = explode("|", $locale['months']);
      $user_birthdate = explode("-", $data['user_birthdate']);
      echo $months[number_format($user_birthdate['1'])]." ".number_format($user_birthdate['2'])." ".$user_birthdate['0'];
   } else {
      echo $locale['u048'];
   echo "</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u021']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".($data['user_aim'] ? $data['user_aim'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u011']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>".($data['user_icq'] ? $data['user_icq'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u012']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".($data['user_msn'] ? $data['user_msn'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>
<td align='center' class='tbl1'>\n";
   if ($data['user_hide_email'] != "1" || iADMIN) {
      echo "[<a href='mailto:".str_replace("@","&#64;",$data['user_email'])."' title='".str_replace("@","&#64;",$data['user_email'])."'>".$locale['u051']."</a>]\n";
   if ($data['user_web']) {
      $urlprefix = !strstr($data['user_web'], "http://") ? "http://" : "";
      echo "[<a href='".$urlprefix.$data['user_web']."' title='".$urlprefix.$data['user_web']."' target='_blank'>".$locale['u052']."</a>]\n";
   if (iMEMBER && $data['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id']) {
      echo "[<a href='messages.php?msg_send=".$data['user_id']."' title='".$locale['u060']."'>".$locale['u053']."</a>]\n";
   echo "</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u013']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>".($data['user_yahoo'] ? $data['user_yahoo'] : $locale['u048'])."</td>

   echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>
<td class='tbl2' colspan='2'><b>".$locale['422']."</b></td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u040']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".showdate("longdate", $data['user_joined'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u044']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>".($data['user_lastvisit'] != 0 ? showdate("longdate", $data['user_lastvisit']) : $locale['u049'])."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u041']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".number_format(dbcount("(shout_id)", "shoutbox", "shout_name='".$data['user_id']."'"))."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u042']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl2'>".number_format(dbcount("(comment_id)", "comments", "comment_name='".$data['user_id']."'"))."</td>
<td width='1%' class='tbl1' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['u043']."</b></td>
<td class='tbl1'>".number_format($data['user_posts'])."</td>
   if ($data['user_groups']) {
      echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border'>\n";
      echo "<tr>\n<td class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['423']."</b></td>\n\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td class='tbl1'>\n";
      $user_groups = (strpos($data['user_groups'], ".") == 0 ? explode(".", substr($data['user_groups'], 1)) : explode(".", $data['user_groups']));
      for ($i = 0;$i < count($user_groups);$i++) {
         echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?group_id=".$user_groups[$i]."'>".getgroupname($user_groups[$i])."</a>";
         if ($i != (count($user_groups)-1)) { echo ",\n"; } else { echo "\n"; }
      echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
} else {
   if (!isNum($group_id)) fallback("index.php");
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."user_groups WHERE group_id='$group_id'");
   if (dbrows($result)) {
      $data = dbarray($result);
      $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_groups REGEXP('^\\\.{$group_id}$|\\\.{$group_id}\\\.|\\\.{$group_id}$') ORDER BY user_level DESC, user_name");
      echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'>
<td align='center' colspan='2' class='tbl1'><b>".$data['group_name']."</b> (".sprintf((dbrows($result)==1?$locale['411']:$locale['412']), dbrows($result)).")</td>
<td class='tbl2'><b>".$locale['401']."</b></td>
<td align='center' width='1%' class='tbl2' style='white-space:nowrap'><b>".$locale['402']."</b></td>
      while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
         $cell_color = ($i % 2 == 0 ? "tbl1" : "tbl2"); $i++;
         echo "<tr>\n<td class='$cell_color'>\n<a href='profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a></td>\n";
         echo "<td align='center' width='1%' class='$cell_color' style='white-space:nowrap'>".getuserlevel($data['user_level'])."</td>\n</tr>";
      echo "</table>\n";
   } else {

require_once "side_right.php";
require_once "footer.php";

Gal galit iterpti kad galima butu komentuoti čia profile php failas

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2008 Lap. 16 14:11:34
2008 Lap. 28 17:11:13          27 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
žiurėkit turiu bėdu per mozilla yra taip:

o per IE ir opera atrodytu taip:

kokį faila dadurt kad pvz per opera ir per ie butu normalej ?

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Lap. 28 17:11:35          28 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
tai rodo kad mozilla valdo juokiasi
P.S. nezinau...

Pigiai koduoju HTML, xHTML/CSS dizainus.
2008 Lap. 28 17:11:44          29 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
kerniux parašė:
tai rodo kad mozilla valdo juokiasi
P.S. nezinau...

ne nu butu p* , bet gi ne visi naudoja mozilla ir užėja y psl su kita naršykle pamatys toki vaizda tai nelbj žinau kažkokie failai ar koda koki iteprt ir viskas ore turėtu but.

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2008 Lap. 28 18:11:54          30 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
zinau as sitas nesamones seniau kaip per html kurdavau budavo sunku padaryti, kad per visas narsykles ta paty rodytu.. oo taip reikia kad koks protingesnis parasytu, nes as nezinau sito... be žado

Pigiai koduoju HTML, xHTML/CSS dizainus.
2009 Kov. 16 19:03:50          31 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Na ka sveikučiai dbr reikia jūsų pagalbos aišku kas išmanot ir esat dare v7 temas ;) taigi aš bandau inclund'inti y theme.php , header.php bet
vis man erroras tai gal kas žinot kaip tai daryti va kodas:
   echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='".THEME_WIDTH."' class='outer-border center'>\n<tr>\n";
   echo "<td>\n";
   echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<img src='".THEME."images/headeris.jpg'>";
        echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
   echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
   echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";

Ir kaip turėtu atrodyti kodas header.php faile dekingas iškarto ;)

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
Redagavo Jaunelis 2009 Kov. 16 19:03:09
2009 Kov. 17 14:03:24          32 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
UP! heeelp

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2009 Kov. 17 14:03:54          33 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
O koks header.php faile kodas?
2009 Kov. 17 17:03:11          34 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
man visu pirmą reikia čia padaryti šypsosi nes rodo error kaip bandau daryti kad kažkas ten bla bla bla tai negalit padėt ??? vietoj to kad klausi kox kodas galėjai includint ... nes rodo kad theme.php faile levai

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2009 Kov. 17 17:03:37          35 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='".THEME_WIDTH."' class='outer-border center'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";

2009 Kov. 17 17:03:03          36 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Jaunelis parašė:
man visu pirmą reikia čia padaryti šypsosi nes rodo error kaip bandau daryti kad kažkas ten bla bla bla tai negalit padėt ??? vietoj to kad klausi kox kodas galėjai includint ... nes rodo kad theme.php faile levai

includinimo viena priklauso nuo headerio kodomerkia akį
2009 Kov. 17 18:03:28          37 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
edeni parašė:
echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='".THEME_WIDTH."' class='outer-border center'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='897'>\n<tr>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";


wa čiuvelis iškarto be jokiu ten klausimu veikaimerkia akį

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
2009 Kov. 17 18:03:01          38 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Kai papratai darai tai ir šitas veikiamerkia akį
2009 Kov. 17 18:03:43          39 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
Manjack buk tu geras, nustok tu pjaut ką :}

Rules: 21 & 22 Read first!
2009 Kov. 17 18:03:20          40 žinutė iš 229
Spausdinti pranešimą
joo manjack buvo teisus ir dbr su header problemos bet dar pameginsiumerkia akį

code and design solutions tinklalapių kūrimas
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