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Forumas | Modai, įskiepiai, panelės (PHP-FUSION) | Mods, Panels & Infusions |
Autorius: pitbullss | Peržiūrų: 747 ![]() |
pitbullss Narys Patrankų mėsa Pranešimai: 7 Įstojęs: 2012 Gru. 18 01:12:03 | |
galit i situos modus idet player koda. new150.php <?php require_once "maincore.php"; require_once THEMES."templates/header.php"; include LOCALE.LOCALESET."downloads.php"; $limit = "150"; //Limit of songs if (!isset($_GET['cid']) || !isnum($_GET['cid'])) { opentable($locale['MD505']); echo ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD500'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">-</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD501'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD502'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD503'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD504'].'</td> </tr>'; $result = dbquery( "SELECT td.*,tdc.* FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads td INNER JOIN ".$db_prefix."download_cats tdc ON td.download_cat=tdc.download_cat_id WHERE ".groupaccess('download_cat_access')." ORDER BY download_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit."" ); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { $x = 0; while($music = dbarray($result)) { $x++; $dcat = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='".$music['download_cat_id']."'")); $duser = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$music['download_user']."'")); echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2">'.$x.'</td> <td class = "tbl2"> <a href="'.$settings['siteurl'].'groti.php?play_id='.$music['download_id'].'" onclick=\'OpenPopup(this.href); return false\'><img alt="'.$music["download_title"].'" src="'.IMAGES.'downloads/dl_cats/play.png" width="16" height="16" /></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?d_id='.$music['download_id'].'" >'.$music["download_title"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?cat_id='.$music['download_cat'].'" >'.$dcat["download_cat_name"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2">'.$music["download_count"].'</td> <td class = "tbl2">'.profile_link($duser['user_id'], $duser["user_name"], $duser['user_status']).'</td> </tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2">Nëra muzikos ákeltos</td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> </tr> '; } echo '</table>'; closetable(); } elseif (isset($_GET['cid']) && isnum($_GET['cid'])) { opentable($locale['MD505']); echo ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD500'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">-</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD501'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD502'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD503'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD504'].'</td> </tr>'; $limit = "150"; $cresult = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_cat = ".$_GET['cid']." order by download_count DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit.""); if (dbrows($cresult) != 0) { $x = 0; while($music = dbarray($cresult)) { $x++; $dcat = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='".$music['download_cat']."'")); $duser = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$music['download_user']."'")); echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2">'.$x.'</td> <td class = "tbl2"> <a href="'.$settings['siteurl'].'groti.php?play_id='.$music['download_id'].'" onclick=\'OpenPopup(this.href); return false\'><img alt="'.$music["download_title"].'" src="'.IMAGES.'downloads/dl_cats/play.png" width="16" height="16" /></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?d_id='.$music['download_id'].'" >'.$music["download_title"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?cat_id='.$music['download_cat'].'" >'.$dcat["download_cat_name"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2">'.$music["download_count"].'</td> <td class = "tbl2">'.profile_link($duser['user_id'], $duser["user_name"], $duser['user_status']).'</td> </tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2">Nëra muzikos ákeltos</td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> </tr> '; } echo '</table>'; closetable(); } require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php"; ?> cia kitas kodas top150.php <?php require_once "maincore.php"; require_once THEMES."templates/header.php"; include LOCALE.LOCALESET."downloads.php"; $limit = "150"; //Limit of songs if (!isset($_GET['cid']) || !isnum($_GET['cid'])) { opentable($locale['MD506']); echo ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD500'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">-</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD501'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD502'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD503'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD504'].'</td> </tr>'; $result = dbquery( "SELECT td.*,tdc.* FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads td INNER JOIN ".$db_prefix."download_cats tdc ON td.download_cat=tdc.download_cat_id WHERE ".groupaccess('download_cat_access')." ORDER BY download_count DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit."" ); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { $x = 0; while($music = dbarray($result)) { $x++; $dcat = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='".$music['download_cat_id']."'")); $duser = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$music['download_user']."'")); echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2">'.$x.'</td> <td class = "tbl2"> <a href="'.$settings['siteurl'].'groti.php?play_id='.$music['download_id'].'" onclick=\'OpenPopup(this.href); return false\'><img alt="'.$music["download_title"].'" src="'.IMAGES.'downloads/dl_cats/play.png" width="16" height="16" /></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?d_id='.$music['download_id'].'" >'.$music["download_title"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?cat_id='.$music['download_cat'].'" >'.$dcat["download_cat_name"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2">'.$music["download_count"].'</td> <td class = "tbl2">'.profile_link($duser['user_id'], $duser["user_name"], $duser['user_status']).'</td> </tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2">Nëra muzikos ákeltos</td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> </tr> '; } echo '</table>'; closetable(); } elseif (isset($_GET['cid']) && isnum($_GET['cid'])) { $dcat = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats WHERE download_cat_id='".$_GET['cid']."'")); opentable($dcat['download_cat_name']." - ".$locale['MD505']); echo ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD500'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">-</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD501'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD502'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD503'].'</td> <td class = "tbl1">'.$locale['MD504'].'</td> </tr>'; $limit = "150"; $cresult = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_cat = ".$_GET['cid']." order by download_count DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit.""); if (dbrows($cresult) != 0) { $x = 0; while($music = dbarray($cresult)) { $x++; $duser = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$music['download_user']."'")); echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2">'.$x.'</td> <td class = "tbl2"> <a href="'.$settings['siteurl'].'groti.php?play_id='.$music['download_id'].'" onclick=\'OpenPopup(this.href); return false\'><img alt="'.$music["download_title"].'" src="'.IMAGES.'downloads/dl_cats/play.png" width="16" height="16" /></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?d_id='.$music['download_id'].'" >'.$music["download_title"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2"><a href="'.BASEDIR.'downloads.php?cat_id='.$music['download_cat'].'" >'.$dcat["download_cat_name"].'</a></td> <td class = "tbl2">'.$music["download_count"].'</td> <td class = "tbl2">'.profile_link($duser['user_id'], $duser["user_name"], $duser['user_status']).'</td> </tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2">Nëra muzikos ákeltos</td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> <td class = "tbl2"> </td> </tr> '; } echo '</table>'; closetable(); } require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php"; ?> |
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