
Vartotojų tinkle

Prisijungusių svečių: 208
Prisijungusių narių: 0
Prisijungusių narių nėra

Registruoti nariai: 25,953
Naujausias narys: Quwqkibor

Naujausi straipsniai

Paskutiniai nariai

Memento Mori 2 savaitės
ozzWANTED 3 savaitės
Quwqkibor 5 savaitės
asirija 9 savaitės
tomeem11 savaitės
Reikalas12 savaitės
weberiz14 savaitės
mRokass16 savaitės
kartoonas17 savaitės
iaescortsmap18 savaitės
grunskiz20 savaitės
Bruksnys21 savaitės
illusion21 savaitės
ordo22 savaitės
Jurgaila22 savaitės
originalcs1622 savaitės
Rytis23 savaitės
halis25 savaitės
junkus27 savaitės
morlis28 savaitės


OS: Unknown
Naršyklė: Nežinoma
Naujienų: 529
Straipsnių: 235
Temų: 52,585
Postų: 522,523
Postų pask. parą: 0
Shout'ų pask. parą: 0
P.S.C. pask. parą: 0
Nuorodų kataloge: 13

Lankomumo Statistika

Peržiūrų šiandien: 22

Iš viso peržiūrų: 22948724


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Jei norite rašyti žinutes, turite prisijungti.

2024 Sau. 17 01:01:00
Desperatiškus komentarus šaukykloje su accountu po mėnesio prasibuvimo, ištryniau. Pasaulis ir taip juodas. Įjungiam šviesą, prašviesės. šypsosi

2023 Gru. 10 19:12:39
Negaliu patikėti jog žinutės/pranešimai visi yra nuo 2008 m akinanti šypsen

2023 Rugs. 7 21:09:14
O gal BloodKiller pasijungs?

2023 Rugs. 2 18:09:23
Nu davai nuveikiam kažką akinanti šypsen. Prisijungti kada visi čia akinanti šypsen.

2023 Rugs. 2 00:09:18
Šiaip atėjau pažiūrėti ar dar lopas nesby yra ar koks ten buvo.

Šaukyklos archyvas


Ar esate patenkinti lietuviško vertimo kokybe?


Taip, bet yra ką taisyti (parašysiu komentaruose)


Norėdamas balsuoti turite prisijungti.
Reklama 400x60
del chato
Forumas | Kita | Off-Topic diskusijos

Autorius: EHF Peržiūrų: 2284      Spausdinti temą
2008 Bal. 13 17:04:10          1 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
Kas zino kaip padryt pvz kaip sitoje foto:
ir kad tos zinutes isisaugotu atskiriame faile pvz txt.Jei kas zino parasykit pliz
2008 Bal. 13 17:04:59          2 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
tai kas nors zino ar nenežinonežinonežinonežinonežinogalvojagalvoja
2008 Bal. 13 17:04:09          3 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą tenai dauk čatų tokių
2008 Bal. 13 17:04:41          4 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
nu bet man riekia i ta php faila iterpt ta chata
2008 Bal. 13 17:04:34          5 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
Čia tavo norimas kodas
2008 Bal. 13 18:04:50          6 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
nu zn sita bet kur gaut normalu chata
2008 Bal. 13 18:04:27          7 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą
Bl pasidaryk. Shoutboxa praplatink glogiausiu atveju, ir bus tas chatas. Visai jokio loginio mastymo neturi...

ex best admin!
2008 Bal. 13 19:04:18          8 žinutė iš 8
Spausdinti pranešimą kaskoki pasidariau
bet kaip padryt kad duotu daugiau rasyt raidziu leidzia tik 100 va kodas:

ShoutPro 1.5.2 - shoutbox.php
ShoutPro is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. For more information see the file LICENSE.TXT in the documentation folder included with this distribution, or see 

This file is shoutbox.php.  It is the main part of ShoutPro.  Do not modify this file unless you know what you're doing.  Simple customization should be done in config.php and your .css stylesheet.

if ($_POST["action"]!="")      $action = $_POST['action'];   
else if ($_GET["action"]!="")   $action = $_GET["action"];

if ($_POST["name"]!="")         $name = $_POST['name'];
else if ($_GET["name"]!="")      $name = $_GET["name"];

if ($_POST["pass"]!="")         $pass = $_POST['pass'];
else if ($_GET["pass"]!="")      $pass = $_GET["pass"];

if ($_POST["shout"]!="")      $shout = $_POST['shout'];
else if ($_GET["shout"]!="")   $shout = $_GET["shout"];

//include.php calls default ShoutPro functions and settings into effect.  ShoutPro cannot run without it.

//Generate an array of password protected names, to be transferred to JavaScript later.
$restricted_names = array();
$index = 0;
$list = file ($FileName);
foreach ($list as $value) {
   list ($restrictedname,$namepass,$nameemail,) = explode ("|^|", $value);
   $restricted_names[$index] = trim(strtolower($restrictedname));   

extract($HTTP_REQUEST_VARS); //Extract all GET and POST variables to avoid annoying errors on strangely configured machines.

if($action == "post" && $name && $name != "Name"){
      //Prepare the name
      $shout = trim($shout);
      $shout = stripslashes($shout);
      $shout = str_replace ("\n", " ", $shout);
      $shout = str_replace ("\r", " ", $shout);
      $name = trim($name);
      $name = killhtml(killscript($name));
      //Store username in a cookie
      setcookie("shoutpro_username", "", time() - 31536000);
      $cookielife = time() + 31536000;
      setcookie("shoutpro_username", $name, $cookielife);

<html><head><title><?=$shoutboxname ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$theme ?>" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">.shout {overflow: hidden;}</style>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function reload() {
   var loc = "shoutbox.php?";
   if (document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display == 'inline')
      loc += "viewall=true&";
   <? if ($userpanelon == "yes"){ ?>
   if (document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display == 'inline')
      loc += "userpanelon=true&";
   <? } ?>
   location.href = loc;

function checkrname() {
   //This function is called after a name is entered in the form field, and checks if it is registered.
   //If it is, it alerts the user, shows the password box, and focus on it.
   //If not, it focus on the shout textarea.
   var isin = false;
   if (document.getElementById('name').value != ""){
      for (var i = 0; i < namesarray.length; i++){
         if (namesarray[i] == document.getElementById('name').value.toLowerCase()){
            alert("You have entered a registered name.  Please provide the password.");
            document.getElementById('passwordfield').style.display = 'inline';
            isin = true;
   if (isin == false){
      document.getElementById('passwordfield').style.display = 'none';
      return false;
   else return true;

function CheckForm(){
   //Check if a name has been entered
   if (document.getElementById('name').value == "" || document.getElementById('name').value == "Name"){
      alert("<?=$inputname ?>");
      return false;
   //Check if a shout has been entered
   if (document.getElementById('shout').value == "" || document.getElementById('shout').value == "Shout!"){
      alert("<?=$inputshout ?>");
      return false;
   return true ;

function doviewall() {
   //Make the rest of the shouts viewable
   document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display = 'inline';
   document.getElementById('viewall').style.display = 'none';
   document.getElementById('viewless').style.display = 'inline';

function doviewless() {
   //Hide more shouts
   document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display = 'none';
   document.getElementById('viewall').style.display = 'inline';
   document.getElementById('viewless').style.display = 'none';

function openhelp() {
   //Pop up the help window'help.php','help_window','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=270,height=400')

function stoptmr(){
      tmron = false;

function starttmr(){
   timerID = setTimeout('reload()', <?=$refresh ?>000);
   tmron = true;

var tmron = false;
var tmrid;
<? if($refreshmode != "manual")   echo("starttmr();"); ?>

var namesarray = new Array("<?=implode('","', $restricted_names); ?>"); //Convert the PHP array of names to JavaScript for client-side access

<body style="width: <?=$width ?>px !important;">

//The following code posts a message.
   if (!$name)   echo("<script>alert(\"".$inputname."\");</script>");
   else if (!$shout || $shout=="Shout!")   echo("<script>alert(\"".$inputshout."\");</script>");
   else {
      //Prepare the shout
      $shout = trim($shout);
      $shout = stripslashes($shout);
      $shout = str_replace ("\n", " ", $shout);
      $shout = str_replace ("\r", " ", $shout);
      if(!namelength($name,$nameminlength,$namemaxlength)) die();  //Check length of name to min and max lengths
      $shout = first($shout);
      $name = first($name);
      if(!length($shout,$minlength,$maxlength)) die(); //Check length of shout to min and max lengths
      //Find the date and time
      $date = date("F j, Y", time() + $timeoffset * 3600);
      $time = date("g:i A", time() + $timeoffset * 3600);
      //Add the shout to the end of shouts.php
      if($FilePointer = fopen("shouts.php", "a+")){

//Show the shoutbox name if selected
if ($displayname == "yes")   echo ("<div align=center><b>$shoutboxname</b><br /><br />");
//Show the form.
echo("<form name='postshout' method='post' action='shoutbox.php?action=post'>\n");
echo("<input id='name' class='textbox' name='name' type='text' value='");
if ($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"])   echo $_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"];
else   echo "Name";
echo ("' onFocus=\"stoptmr()\" onBlur=\"checkrname();\"><br />\n");
if ($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"] && in_array(strtolower($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"]),$restricted_names))
   echo "<div id='passwordfield' style='display:inline'>";
   echo "<div id='passwordfield' style='display:none'>";
echo("<input class='textbox' name='pass' id='pass' type='password' value='' onBlur=\"if(this.value != ''){document.getElementById('shout').focus();document.getElementById('shout').select();}\" onFocus=\"stoptmr()\" /><br />\n</div><textarea id='shout' class=textbox name='shout' rows='5' onFocus=\"stoptmr()\">Shout!</textarea><br />\n");
echo("<div id='buttons'><input class=textbox type='submit' id='post' name='post' onFocus=\";\" value='Post' onclick='return CheckForm();'>\n");
if ($refreshmode != "auto")   echo("<input class=textbox type=button value='Refresh' onClick=\"reload()\">\n");
$row_count = 0;
//Display shouts
$shouts = file("shouts.php");
$shouts = array_reverse($shouts);
foreach ($shouts as $item){
   if ($row_count == $numshoutsdisplay){
      if ($_REQUEST["viewall"] == true)   echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:inline'>";
      else   echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:none'>";
      $viewalled = true; //We already displayed the viewall div
   $row = ($row_count % 2) ? "one" : "two";
   list ($poster,$message,$date,$time,$ip) = explode ("|^|", $item);
   $thisnamecolor = "";
   $thisnamecolor = colornames($poster,$thisnamecolor);
   $thisshout = "<span style='color: $thisnamecolor !important;' class='name'>$poster:</span> $message";
   $thisshout = killscript($thisshout);
   echo "<div class='shout' id='row-$row' title=\"Posted $date @ $time\">$thisshout</div>";

if (!$viewalled) echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:none'>";

echo "</div><br /><div id='bottomlinks'>";

if ($row_count > $numshoutsdisplay){
   if ($_REQUEST["viewall"] == true)   echo "<a href='shoutbox.php?viewall=true' onClick='doviewall();' style='display:none' id='viewall'>View All</a><a href='shoutbox.php' onClick='doviewless();' id='viewless'>View Less</a>::";
   else   echo "<a href='shoutbox.php?viewall=true' onClick='doviewall();' id='viewall'>View All</a><a href='shoutbox.php' onClick='doviewless(); ' style='display:none' id='viewless'>View Less</a>::";

echo "<a href=\"javascript:openhelp();\">Help</a>";

if($userpanelon == "yes")
   if ($_REQUEST["userpanelon"] == true) echo "<br /><a href='#' id='userpanelon' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='inline';\" style='display:none'>Open User Panel</a><a href='#' id='userpaneloff' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='none';\" style='display:inline'>Close User Panel</a>";
   else   echo "<br /><a href='#' id='userpanelon' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='inline';\">Open User Panel</a><a href='#' id='userpaneloff' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='none';\" style='display:none'>Close User Panel</a>";
</div><br />
<div id='userpanel' style='display:<? if ($_REQUEST["userpanelon"] == true) echo "inline"; else echo "none"; ?>'>
<a href='#' onClick="'userpanel/register.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');">&nbsp;-->Register a Name</a><br />
<a href='#' onClick="'userpanel/changepass.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');">&nbsp;-->Change your Password</a><br />
<a href='#' onClick="'userpanel/findpass.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');">&nbsp;-->Reset your Password</a><br /><br />
/* Start Copyright Text - Do not remove! */
/* End Copyright Text - Do not remove! */
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