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Forumas | PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Shopify, PHP ir MySQL (PROGRAMAVIMAS) | Žaliems |
Autorius: Kemriux | Peržiūrų: 3727 |
Kemriux Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 36 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 10 13:02:38 | |
gal kas man geletu toke registracija padaryt ? buciau lbj dekingas Vartotoja vardas Slaptazodis Pakartoti slaptazody Patvirtinimo kodas Įveskite patvirtinimo kodą Skype ID ir kad visi butu butini nu su " lbj aciu . register.php <?php /*---------------------------------------------------+ | PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System +----------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones | +----------------------------------------------------+ | Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the | GNU General Public License. For details refer to | the included gpl.txt file or visit +----------------------------------------------------*/ require_once "maincore.php"; require_once "subheader.php"; require_once "side_left.php"; include LOCALE.LOCALESET."register.php"; include LOCALE.LOCALESET."user_fields.php"; if (iMEMBER) fallback("index.php"); if ($settings['enable_registration']) { if (isset($activate)) { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]{32}$/", $activate)) fallback("index.php"); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."new_users WHERE user_code='$activate'"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { $data = dbarray($result); $user_info = unserialize($data['user_info']); $activation = $settings['admin_activation'] == "1" ? "2" : "0"; $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."users (user_name, user_password, user_email, user_hide_email, user_location, user_birthdate, user_aim, user_icq, user_msn, user_yahoo, user_web, user_theme, user_offset, user_avatar, user_sig, user_posts, user_joined, user_lastvisit, user_ip, user_rights, user_groups, user_level, user_status) VALUES('".$user_info['user_name']."', '".$user_info['user_password']."', '".$user_info['user_email']."', '".$user_info['user_hide_email']."', '', '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', '', 'Default', '0', '', '', '0', '".time()."', '0', '".USER_IP."', '', '', '101', '$activation')"); $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."new_users WHERE user_code='$activate'"); opentable($locale['401']); if ($settings['admin_activation'] == "1") { echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['455']."<br><br>\n".$locale['453']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; } else { echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['455']."<br><br>\n".$locale['452']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; } closetable(); } else { fallback("index.php"); } } else if (isset($_POST['register'])) { $error = ""; $username = stripinput(trim(eregi_replace(" +", " ", $_POST['username']))); $email = stripinput(trim(eregi_replace(" +", "", $_POST['email']))); $password1 = stripinput(trim(eregi_replace(" +", "", $_POST['password1']))); if ($username == "" || $password1 == "" || $email == "") $error .= $locale['402']."<br>\n"; if (!preg_match("/^[-0-9A-Z_@\s]+$/i", $username)) $error .= $locale['403']."<br>\n"; if (preg_match("/^[0-9A-Z@]{6,20}$/i", $password1)) { if ($password1 != $_POST['password2']) $error .= $locale['404']."<br>\n"; } else { $error .= $locale['405']."<br>\n"; } if (!preg_match("/^[-0-9A-Z_\.]{1,50}@([-0-9A-Z_\.]+\.){1,50}([0-9A-Z]){2,4}$/i", $email)) { $error .= $locale['406']."<br>\n"; } $email_domain = substr(strrchr($email, "@"), 1); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."blacklist WHERE blacklist_email='".$email."' OR blacklist_email='$email_domain'"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) $error = $locale['411']."<br>\n"; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_name='$username'"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) $error = $locale['407']."<br>\n"; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_email='".$email."'"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) $error = $locale['408']."<br>\n"; if ($settings['email_verification'] == "1") { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."new_users"); while ($new_users = dbarray($result)) { $user_info = unserialize($new_users['user_info']); if ($new_users['user_email'] == $email) { $error = $locale['409']."<br>\n"; } if ($user_info['user_name'] == $username) { $error = $locale['407']."<br>\n"; break; } } } if ($settings['display_validation'] == "1") { if (!check_captcha($_POST['captcha_encode'], $_POST['captcha_code'])) { $error .= $locale['410']."<br />\n"; } } $user_hide_email = isNum($_POST['user_hide_email']) ? $_POST['user_hide_email'] : "1"; if ($settings['email_verification'] == "0") { $user_location = isset($_POST['user_location']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_location'])) : ""; if ($_POST['user_month'] != 0 && $_POST['user_day'] != 0 && $_POST['user_year'] != 0) { $user_birthdate = (isNum($_POST['user_year']) ? $_POST['user_year'] : "0000") ."-".(isNum($_POST['user_month']) ? $_POST['user_month'] : "00") ."-".(isNum($_POST['user_day']) ? $_POST['user_day'] : "00"); } else { $user_birthdate = "0000-00-00"; } $user_aim = isset($_POST['user_aim']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_aim'])) : ""; $user_icq = isset($_POST['user_icq']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_icq'])) : ""; $user_msn = isset($_POST['user_msn']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_msn'])) : ""; $user_yahoo = isset($_POST['user_yahoo']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_yahoo'])) : ""; $user_web = isset($_POST['user_web']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_web'])) : ""; $user_theme = stripinput($_POST['user_theme']); $user_offset = is_numeric($_POST['user_offset']) ? $_POST['user_offset'] : "0"; $user_sig = isset($_POST['user_sig']) ? stripinput(trim($_POST['user_sig'])) : ""; } if ($error == "") { if ($settings['email_verification'] == "1") { require_once INCLUDES."sendmail_include.php"; mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $salt = ""; for ($i=0;$i<=7;$i++) { $salt .= chr(rand(97, 122)); } $user_code = md5($email.$salt); $activation_url = $settings['siteurl']."register.php?activate=".$user_code; if (sendemail($username,$email,$settings['siteusername'],$settings['siteemail'],$locale['449'], $locale['450'].$activation_url)) { $user_info = serialize(array( "user_name" => $username, "user_password" => md5(md5($password1)), "user_email" => $email, "user_hide_email" => isNum($_POST['user_hide_email']) ? $_POST['user_hide_email'] : "1" )); $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."new_users (user_code, user_email, user_datestamp, user_info) VALUES('$user_code', '".$email."', '".time()."', '$user_info')"); opentable($locale['400']); echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['454']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; closetable(); } else { opentable($locale['456']); echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['457']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; closetable(); } } else { $activation = $settings['admin_activation'] == "1" ? "2" : "0"; $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."users (user_name, user_password, user_email, user_hide_email, user_location, user_birthdate, user_aim, user_icq, user_msn, user_yahoo, user_web, user_theme, user_offset, user_avatar, user_sig, user_posts, user_joined, user_lastvisit, user_ip, user_rights, user_groups, user_level, user_status) VALUES('$username', '".md5(md5($password1))."', '".$email."', '$user_hide_email', '$user_location', '$user_birthdate', '$user_aim', '$user_icq', '$user_msn', '$user_yahoo', '$user_web', '$user_theme', '$user_offset', '', '$user_sig', '0', '".time()."', '0', '".USER_IP."', '', '', '101', '$activation')"); opentable($locale['400']); if ($settings['admin_activation'] == "1") { echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['451']."<br><br>\n".$locale['453']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; } else { echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['451']."<br><br>\n".$locale['452']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; } closetable(); } } else { opentable($locale['456']); echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['458']."<br><br>\n$error<br>\n<a href='".FUSION_SELF."'>".$locale['459']."</a></div></br>\n"; closetable(); } } else { if ($settings['email_verification'] == "0") { $theme_files = makefilelist(THEMES, ".|..", true, "folders"); array_unshift($theme_files, "Default"); $offset_list = ""; for ($i=-13;$i<17;$i++) { if ($i > 0) { $offset="+".$i; } else { $offset=$i; } $offset_list .= "<option".($offset == "0" ? " selected" : "").">$offset</option>\n"; } } opentable($locale['400']); echo "<center>".$locale['500']."\n"; if ($settings['email_verification'] == "1") echo $locale['501']."\n"; echo $locale['502']; if ($settings['email_verification'] == "1") echo "\n".$locale['503']; echo "</center><br> <table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <form name='inputform' method='post' action='".FUSION_SELF."' onSubmit='return ValidateForm(this)'> <!-- vardas --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u001']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='username' maxlength='30' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <!-- slaptazodis --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u002']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='password' name='password1' maxlength='20' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u004']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='password' name='password2' maxlength='20' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <!-- email --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u005']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='email' maxlength='100' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u006']."</td> <td class='tbl'><input type='radio' name='user_hide_email' value='1'>".$locale['u007']." <input type='radio' name='user_hide_email' value='0' checked>".$locale['u008']."</td> </tr>\n"; if ($settings['display_validation'] == "1") { echo "<tr>\n<td class='tbl'>".$locale['504']."</td>\n<td class='tbl'>"; echo make_captcha(); echo "</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['505']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='captcha_code' class='textbox' style='width:100px'></td> </tr>\n"; } if ($settings['email_verification'] == "0") { echo " <!-- vieta --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u009']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_location' maxlength='50' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <!-- skype --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u011']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_skype' maxlength='15' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr> <!-- tinklapis --> <tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u014']."</td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='user_web' value='".$userdata['user_web']."' maxlength='100' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'></td> </tr>\n"; if (!$userdata['user_avatar']) { echo "<tr> <td class='tbl'>".$locale['u017']."<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span></td> <td class='tbl'> <input type='file' name='user_avatar' class='textbox' style='width:200px;'><br> <span class='small2'>".$locale['u018']."</span><br> <span class='small2'>".sprintf($locale['u022'], parsebytesize(30720), 100, 100)."</span> </td> </tr>\n"; } echo "<tr> <td valign='top' class='tbl'>".$locale['u020']."</td> <td class='tbl'> <textarea name='user_sig' rows='5' cols='53' class='textbox'>".$userdata['user_sig']."</textarea><br> <input type='button' value='b' class='button' style='font-weight:bold;width:25px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '', '');\"> <input type='button' value='i' class='button' style='font-style:italic;width:25px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '', '');\"> <input type='button' value='u' class='button' style='text-decoration:underline;width:25px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '', '');\"> <input type='button' value='url' class='button' style='width:30px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '[url]', '[/url]');\"> <input type='button' value='mail' class='button' style='width:35px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '[mail]', '[/mail]');\"> <input type='button' value='img' class='button' style='width:30px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '[img]', '[/img]');\"> <input type='button' value='center' class='button' style='width:45px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', ' <input type='button' value='small' class='button' style='width:40px;' onClick=\"addText('user_sig', '', '');\"> </td> </tr>\n"; } echo "<tr> <td align='center' colspan='2'><br> <input type='submit' name='register' value='".$locale['506']."' class='button'> </td> </tr> </form> </table>"; closetable(); echo "<script language='JavaScript'> function ValidateForm(frm) { if (frm.username.value==\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['550']."\"); return false; } if (frm.user_avatar.value==\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['550']."\"); return false; } if (frm.user_skype.value==\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['550']."\"); return false; } if (frm.user_location.value==\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['550']."\"); return false; } if (frm.password1.value==\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['551']."\"); return false; } if (\"\") { alert(\"".$locale['552']."\"); return false; } } </script>\n"; } } else { opentable($locale['400']); echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['507']."<br><br>\n</center>\n"; closetable(); } require_once "side_right.php"; require_once "footer.php"; ?> Jej ka prisegu |
samsung123 Narys Terminatorius Pranešimai: 1610 Įstojęs: 2007 Spa. 15 17:10:09 | |
siap ne cia reikia redagoit o kazkur locale;], jei neklystu |
Kemriux Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 36 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 10 13:02:38 | |
locale tik pacius uzhrashus kaip zn reikia keist ten pvz "vartotojo Vardas" i koky nors kita |
Giedrunskis VIP narys Tankas Pranešimai: 1972 Įstojęs: 2007 Sau. 26 14:01:04 | |
Pabandyk:<?php |
Kemriux Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 36 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 10 13:02:38 | |
Viskas ciki lbj aciu;) |
Giedrunskis VIP narys Tankas Pranešimai: 1972 Įstojęs: 2007 Sau. 26 14:01:04 | |
Visada pršom |
grafass Narys Fruktas Pranešimai: 25 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 24 21:02:19 | |
padekit ir man kaip padaryt registracija kad kodas nickas pass ir email butu tik |
Giedrunskis VIP narys Tankas Pranešimai: 1972 Įstojęs: 2007 Sau. 26 14:01:04 | |
grafass, gabūt taip:<?php |
grafass Narys Fruktas Pranešimai: 25 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 24 21:02:19 | |
aciu tu dievas |
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