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<h1>Welcome to</h1>
<p> is the premiere source for Premium Runescape Bots and Free Runescape bots. We have created the best and undetected runescape bots, runescape hacks, runescape cheats ever known. Every bot is undetectable, working, and features support for randoms. Our site has been the pioneer of Runescape Botting with players all around the world who want to train their account efficiently.for them. Here at RSBot, we provide quality over quantity, which means our bots are the most advanced runescape bots you can buy on the market today!</p>
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<h1>Premium Bot Vs. Free</h1>
<p>The biggest question that needs to be addressed on this site, is Free vs. Premium. Our Premium bots are built on a client used by all other Premium runescape botting sites. They have strong built-in random solving, breaks, anti-ban methods, and is overall the most advanced bot ever programmed in the game of Runescape. Our Free Runescape bot use a different version of the client and is less powerful, but still strong for our free users. It's simple, if you want efficiency and to have the most flawless bots, spend the few bucks to pick up a bot, you'll love it. If you do not have the money, definitely start using our free bots.</p>
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<h1>Free Runescape Bots: RS2Bot</h1>
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