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PHP-Fusion v6.00.2 beveik baigta
2005 spalio 2 10:10:01
PHP-Fusion v6.00.2 nearing completion
PHP-FusionPHP-Fusion v6.00.2 is now in alpha testing and will enter beta next week. The final version is expected in around 2 weeks and will feature a host of new features and improvements. PHP-Fusion v6.00.2 will ship with a WYSIWYG editor called TinyMCE by moxiecode. You can use it to edit your articles or news and can be added to other admin panels if you wish to do so. Of course, advanced users will be able to disable TinyMCE via Misc Settings. PHP-Fusion v6.00.2 will certainly be more secure, v6.00.1 was hampered purely because we had to rewrite our security routines which was always going to need improvement.
I'm positive that PHP-Fusion v6.00.2 will finally put our long term plan back on track after our setback in April this year and I hope you will find v6.00.2 an all round improved and much more stable CMS.
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