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Forumas | Modai, įskiepiai, panelės (PHP-FUSION) | Mods, Panels & Infusions |
Autorius: wavesound | Peržiūrų: 2303 |
wavesound Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 56 Įstojęs: 2008 Kov. 14 11:03:33 | |
gal yra koks modas, kad galeciau paskirt uploaderius, kurie galetu kelt failus, bet tiesioginio priejimo prie ju neturetu, kad istrint negaletu ir pan. |
Narys Antras po Dievo Pranešimai: 4956 Įstojęs: 2007 Spa. 26 20:10:01 | |
Štai turiu Rules: 21 & 22 Read first! |
wavesound Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 56 Įstojęs: 2008 Kov. 14 11:03:33 | |
as tau irgi turiu |
MobyDick Narys Kapitonas Pranešimai: 598 Įstojęs: 2008 Bir. 19 15:06:56 | |
yra phpfusion tinklapyje prie modu tikrai.. Registruokis! Siųskis! Bendrauk! |
edis2 VIP narys Antras po Dievo Pranešimai: 3644 Įstojęs: 2008 Rugs. 25 17:09:15 | |
pilkakakle parašė: yra phpfusion tinklapyje prie modu tikrai.. Ka čia pezi. Tikrai tokio modo nėra kur sukuria uploader grupę.. |
wavesound Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 56 Įstojęs: 2008 Kov. 14 11:03:33 | |
maciau modu saite yra modas "pildyk portala". ji manau butu nesunku pritaikyti. <?php /*---------------------------------------------------+ | PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 2005 Nick Jones | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the | GNU General Public License. For details refer to | the included gpl.txt file or visit +---------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once "maincore.php"; require_once "subheader.php"; require_once "side_left.php"; include LOCALE.LOCALESET."admin/downloads.php"; $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { if ($step == "delete") { $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_id='$download_id'"); redirect("news.php"); } if (isset($_POST['save_download'])) { $download_title = stripinput($_POST['download_title']); $download_description = addslash($_POST['download_description']); $download_url = stripinput($_POST['download_url']); $download_license = stripinput($_POST['download_license']); $download_os = stripinput($_POST['download_os']); $download_version = stripinput($_POST['download_version']); $download_filesize = stripinput($_POST['download_filesize']); if ($step == "edit") { $download_datestamp = isset($_POST['update_datestamp']) ? ", download_datestamp='".time()."'" : ""; $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."downloads SET download_title='$download_title', download_description='$download_description', download_url='$download_url', download_cat='$download_cat', download_license='$download_license', download_os='$download_os', download_version='$download_version', download_filesize='$download_filesize'".$download_datestamp." WHERE download_id='$download_id'"); redirect("news.php"); } else { $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."downloads (download_title, download_description, download_url, download_cat, download_license, download_os, download_version, download_filesize, download_datestamp, download_count) VALUES ('$download_title', '$download_description', '$download_url', '$download_cat', '$download_license', '$download_os', '$download_version', '$download_filesize', '".time()."', '0')"); redirect("news.php"); } } if ($step == "edit") { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads WHERE download_id='$download_id'"); $data = dbarray($result); $download_title = $data['download_title']; $download_description = stripslashes($data['download_description']); $download_url = $data['download_url']; $download_license = $data['download_license']; $download_os = $data['download_os']; $download_version = $data['download_version']; $download_filesize = $data['download_filesize']; $formaction = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink."&step=edit&download_cat_id=$download_cat_id&download_id=$download_id"; opentable($locale['470']); } else { $download_title = ""; $download_description = ""; $download_url = ""; $download_license = ""; $download_os = ""; $download_version = ""; $download_filesize = ""; $formaction = FUSION_SELF.$aidlink; opentable($locale['471']); } $editlist = ""; $sel = ""; $result2 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."download_cats ORDER BY download_cat_name"); if (dbrows($result2) != 0) { while ($data2 = dbarray($result2)) { if ($step == "edit") $sel = ($data['download_cat'] == $data2['download_cat_id'] ? " selected" : ""); $editlist .= "<option value='".$data2['download_cat_id']."'$sel>".$data2['download_cat_name']."</option>\n"; } } echo "<form name='inputform' method='post' action='$formaction'> <table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='460'> <tr> <td width='80' class='tbl'>".$locale['480']."</td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='download_title' value='$download_title' class='textbox' style='width:380px;'></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='80' class='tbl'>".$locale['482']."</td> <td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='download_url' value='$download_url' class='textbox' style='width:380px;'></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='80' class='tbl'>".$locale['483']."</td> <td class='tbl'><select name='download_cat' class='textbox'> $editlist</select></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center' colspan='2' class='tbl'>"; if ($step == "edit") echo "<input type='checkbox' name='update_datestamp' value='1'> ".$locale['489']."<br><br>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='save_download' value='".$locale['488']."' class='button'></td> </tr> </table> </form>\n"; closetable(); } echo "</td>\n"; require_once "side_right.php"; require_once BASEDIR."footer.php"; ?> Kurioj vietoj cia ir ka reiketu iterpti, kad priejimas butu if admin td leidzia, else parodo sita paveiksiuka :D |
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