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Newsletters Infusion v1.2
2005 kovo 11 21:03:00

Straipsnis prie siundimo.
Digitanium išleido nauja versija Newsletters:
ā€˛...aš sukoregavau savo Informacinio Biuletenio paštą, paskutiniai versijai PHP-Fusion 5,01. Pagerintas algoritmas pašto siuntimui. Jeigu pas jus yra daugiau kaip 99 pasirašiusių narių , naujia versija išskirsto pasirašiusius į blokus iš 99. Tai išsprendžia geresni darbą pašto, negu kitose versijose.
Newsletters Infusion v1.2
0 Komentarai · 1490 Skaityta
Keletas pastebėjimų atnaujinant Service Pack
2005 kovo 11 00:03:00

1. Custom Pages / Panel Editor fixes
sukoreguokite savo custom_page.php ir failą panel_editor.php kataloge administracijos iš PHP-Fusion 5.01 Service Pack.
2. Critical Security update
Reikalingas koregavimas rankiniu būtų pridedama sekančiai linijai fusion_core.php:
Line 321: $message = preg_replace_callback("/([0-9]{1,3});/", create_function('$matches', 'return chr($matches[1]);'), $message);
Line 340: $message = preg_replace_callback("/([0-9]{1,3});/", create_function('$matches', 'return chr($matches[1]);'), $message);
Download PHP-Fusion 5.01 Service Pack
0 Komentarai · 1530 Skaityta
Kategorijos su Paveiksliukai
2005 kovo 1 00:03:00
Galima pridėti paveiksliukus prie kategoriju
PHP-Fusion version 5.01
Atsisiųsti siūlomi failai
0 Komentarai · 1512 Skaityta
Greitas Atsakymas Forumo (quick_reply[652 LT])
2005 vasario 27 00:02:00

Direktorijoje fusion_languages/Lithuania/forum/forum_main.php
Padaryti pakeitimus arba Atsisiųsti siūlomi failai kategorijoi
PHP-Fusion v5.01
define("LAN_512", "Greitas Atsakymas");
define("LAN_513", " Uþdrausti Ðypsenëles");
define("LAN_514", "Atsakyti");
1 Komentarai · 1547 Skaityta
Infusion Update for PHP-Fusion 5
2005 vasario 27 00:02:00

I was checking over the install script for v5.01 last night and discovered a mistake in the infusion database table setup. Rayxen reported an issue some time prior to v5.01's release regard the upgrade link in the infusion panel which should not always be visible. This was due to the fact that the version number was stored as an integer. I addressed this issue in the v5.01 upgrade script by changing the version column to varchar(10). For some reason I did not add this update to the installer, but this has now been corrected.
For those of you who have installed PHP-Fusion v5.01 before today (February 27th) I have released a patch,
Infusion Database Update, available for download from the PHP-Fusion Core section of downloads. Simply extract and upload the file infdbup.php to your server and execute it, e.g. Delete the file after completion. This update will also work on v5.00. Those of you who upgraded to v5.01 from v5.00 do not need to worry about this issue.
1 Komentarai · 3090 Skaityta