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Forumas | Viskas apie verslą, darbą, pinigus ir reklamą (E-VERSLAS) | Visa kita kas susiję su darbu ir pinigais |
Autorius: Poker | Peržiūrų: 7394 |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Taigi parduodu 14menesiu,kaina 50 lt banko pavedimu. * Powerful Clustered Servers Intel DUAL XEON Processors, SCSI Hard Drives, 12 GB Ram etc. * 24/7 Expert Helpdesk You receive help at any time. * 24/7 Server Monitoring Our servers are under constant surveillance. * Linux Operating System Providing the power and security of Unix. * Major Bandwidth Providers Our datacenter is connected to some of the biggest bandwidth providers. * 99.98% Server Uptime Our datacenter provides maximum uptime. * Host Unlimited Websites Connect unlimited domains to your account. [?] * Secure Server (SSL) Included Secure communication between your website and its visitors. * Free Whois Privacy Protect your privacy on the Internet. [?] Web Features * 510 GB Web Space 510000 MB disk space at your disposal! [?] * 5010 GB Transfer Transfer 5 Terabyte per month! [?] * Unlimited FTP Accounts Access to the account for multiple persons with an individual FTP login. [?] * 1000 MySQL Databases You can choose between v. 4 and 5, as well as remotely accessible or not. [?] * PHP v 4.4.4 & 5.2.1 Hypertext Preprocessor [?] * Shockwave & Flash Animations/Movies etc. [?] * XML Support Extensible Markup Language [?] * EXIF Support Exchangeable Image File [?] * SSI Support Server Side Includes [?] * Private CGI-BIN Your own Common Gateway Interface environment. [?] * Zend Optimizer Run Zend encoded scripts. * Hotlink Protection Protect your files and bandwidth against third party linking to your content. * phpMyAdmin Easy administration of your databases. * ImageMagick Support Perform script based image/graphics editing. * Ruby on Rails Support for the RoR framework. * Password Protected Directories Protect your files and folders from others. * FTP Access Upload/download files to/from your account via FTP. [?] * FTPS (Encrypted FTP) Initiate secure transfers via FTP * GD Support Perform script based image/graphics editing. [?] * Microsoft Frontpage Support Use FrontPage to upload your site. * WAP Enabled The Internet is not limited to computers: Get mobile visitors today. [?] * mod_rewrite Enabled Use URL rewriting for beautiful and easy-to-remember addresses. * CGI/Perl Common Gateway Interface and Per Support [?] * Python Support Include Python scripts in your projects. * ionCube Loader Run ionCube encoded scripts. * CURL Enabled Communicate with other systems. * Webbuilder Software Included Easy to use software to create your own homepage fast and easy. * Netpbm Support Open source package of graphics programs and a programming library. * Wildcard Domains Create (* addresses. * Full .htaccess Support Customize Apache settings with .htaccess files. Mail Features * Unlimited IMAP/POP3 Mailboxes For you, your family, your friends and many more. [?] * Free Push Mail to Cellphone Read mails on your phone (IMAP based). * Unlimited E-Mail Forwarders Forward mail to existing email account. * Unlimited Auto Responders Reply automaticly to mail sent to you. * SMTP Server Send mail to anyone. * Online Mail Access (Webmail) Get access to your messages anywhere. * Catch-All Mailbox Many addresses, one recipient? No problem. [?] * Spam Filtering Spam protection via validation and greylisting. [?] * Unlimited Mailing Lists Share news with the world. Other Features * Web Based Administration Panel 24/7 access to all our tools * Full DNS Management Edit your nameserver zone records. * 1 Domain Included Register a new domain or transfer an existing one to us for free * Unlimited Domain Hosting 1,2,many... Host all your domains with one account. * Unlimited Subdomains Manage as many subdomains for each of your domains as you want. * Own Cronjobs Automate script execution with cronjobs. * Online Web Statistics Information about the visitors of your websites. * Online Filemanager Create, edit, delete and change settings for files and folders via the control panel. * Automatic Script Installer Ready-to-run scripts with a few clicks.[?] * Servage WebDrive (S Easy access to your data (your account is accessible like a regular drive on your computer)[?] Draugus laikyk arčiau o priešus dar arčiau. Redagavo Poker 2008 Lie. 5 22:07:17 |
Dandžu Narys Ekspertas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 3265 Įstojęs: 2007 Lie. 23 13:07:47 | |
Čia hostingą parduodi ar ką? Visiškai neaišku. |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Hostinga. Draugus laikyk arčiau o priešus dar arčiau. |
Narys Fruktas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 21 Įstojęs: 2008 Gru. 29 03:12:05 | |
Cardintas? |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Aha,bet jau senai parduotas.Nuo Yugio buvau gaves pardavinejau |
LION_ Narys Spalvotas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 68 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 3 16:02:09 | |
Prisizaisit su tais cardinimais paskui verksit |
Niger Garbės narys Antras po Dievo Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 3554 Įstojęs: 2005 Bir. 21 18:06:06 | |
sudomino man vienas uz 100 lt host gator metams norejo prastumti kardinta nu jau litus pervedziau nuejau i acc ziurineju kazkoks tai vokietis... ir ciuju atgal prisijungiu i pavedimus litu ir nutraukiau... nes kitoj dienoj butu buves yvykdytas pavedimas.... Seip kiek laiko jau neuzdare servage? gal paimciau s.k.y.p.e - pavojuz |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Jo jau senai neber,paziurekit temos data.2008-07-05 22:03 |
Niger Garbės narys Antras po Dievo Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 3554 Įstojęs: 2005 Bir. 21 18:06:06 | |
RM parašė: Jo jau senai neber,paziurekit temos data.2008-07-05 22:03 ko senai nebera ?? serveage acc ? ar blogai supratau ? s.k.y.p.e - pavojuz |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Taip tu teisus.Bet jai dar reik gali nukardint. |
Niger Garbės narys Antras po Dievo Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 3554 Įstojęs: 2005 Bir. 21 18:06:06 | |
Manau cia biski per viesai kalbi apie kardinima jis priligsta vagimui is svetimu koreliu... nemanau ar butum laimingas jei is tavo acc paimtu kelius ten simtukus usd... geriau man 300 usd i paypal uz 100 lt pervesk s.k.y.p.e - pavojuz Redagavo Niger 2009 Vas. 21 12:02:33 |
LION_ Narys Spalvotas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 68 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 3 16:02:09 | |
RM, kad, manau ilgiau nei 2 sav negalios tas hostingas. Nes "money chargeback" Buna ;D Niger, nu ir protas... |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
RM, kad, manau ilgiau nei 2 sav negalios tas hostingas. Nes "money chargeback" Buna ;D Nebgaruok,kiek zn tas servage acc dar iki siol pukiai veikia. |
LION_ Narys Spalvotas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 68 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 3 16:02:09 | |
Aisku. Is kur ceskes perki ? |
Narys Antras po Dievo Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 4956 Įstojęs: 2007 Spa. 26 20:10:01 | |
Blemba taigi ne arkli kainuoja. Susimokėjom mes be jokių cardinimų ir nenumirėm Jei neišeina iškart nusipirkt pasitaupai ir viskas Rules: 21 & 22 Read first! |
Niger Garbės narys Antras po Dievo Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 3554 Įstojęs: 2005 Bir. 21 18:06:06 | |
seip del kokiu dizainu ar kito pbrudo kur atsiuncia iskart tai galima pazaisti bet vistiek cia yra nelegalu ir ziauri tema vieshai... seip nelabai galima ir kalbet tokiu dalyku.... nu nzn as taip manau P.s priesh 5 metus buvo su cc man lafestos adminas padares jis buvo dar pasidares kur kainuoja nesveikus saibus nu nzn s.k.y.p.e - pavojuz |
LION_ Narys Spalvotas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 68 Įstojęs: 2009 Vas. 3 16:02:09 | |
Cia viskas pazintiniais tikslais... |
Narys Fruktas Verslumas: 0 Pranešimai: 21 Įstojęs: 2008 Gru. 29 03:12:05 | |
LION_ parašė: Prisizaisit su tais cardinimais paskui verksit eik eik lionai Tai kaip ten tie 8 aifaunai ? Jau issiverkei. Jei kam reik nucardyciau uz centus. Tik luckeriai turit but , kad pinigu nechargintbackintu. . |
iGolf Administratorius Ekspertas Verslumas: +3 Pranešimai: 2415 Įstojęs: 2007 Gru. 22 15:12:09 | | stovi ant jo tai ir aš gal paimčiau |
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